The Saints Have Fallen: Chapter 13


I parted my lips. I wanted to speak but somehow I couldn’t. He looked down at me wearing a serious frown as opposed to his former amused and unbothered ones. His eyes seemed to be swimming in a pit of fire. It burned a dangerous red shade. Did I say something wrong?

I was about to form words when suddenly he spun in an angry force. He kicked the head clean off one of the creatures. Blood splattered everywhere. “I don’t like being interrupted.” He seethed in a venomous tone. The creatures shrieked and plunged toward him. He pulled out two knives with a serious grin and swiftly severed one arm and leg off one.  It crawled on the floor while another tried to attack. He snapped its neck and dropped dead on the ground.

“Now,” he began and looked back up at me, “I asked you a question.”

“I-” I felt myself tremble as he walked up to me. Inches away again, he stood, caging me in. “I told you already, I climbed into this darn well looking for my friend Yuri.” I stopped and thought over my words, “Well he’s more of an acquaintance actually.” I sighed, “He could be hurt or dead. I just wanted to find him and…”

He brought his right hand up to my cheeks, turning my head left to right as if inspecting for something. I hadn’t realized how long and sharp his fingernails were. His frown turned into a look of subtle amusement. “I find you quite interesting, little dove.” He smiled and cut the rope around my wrists free. As it fell to the ground, he took a step back and looked at the bodies lying there. My loose hands fell to the rope around my ankle, working my way free. Claude stood further away from me and chuckled looking back at me, “Send Yuri my regards.”

The trees rustled around me, there was a sudden cold chill, and in a blink of an eye, he was gone. Who was that man? How did he know Yuri? the rope finally loosened around my ankles and I felt the tang of sweet freedom once more. The dead creature lay slain before me. The smell of blood filled the air. I stood and steadied my shaky form. This forest was dangerous, I had to find another way out. Before I left the scene, I grabbed with me a silver ax that one of the dead creatures had. I pried it away from the body as I felt a wave of disgust crawl over my skin and filled my pores. Regardless of how heavy it was, it was better to have something to protect me in this place rather than nothing at all.

I walked ahead to where I thought I came from and found myself back on the endless trail. God, what am I going to do now? My body was sore and tired and I felt as if my breaths were running out. I attempted to walk ahead but found yet again that I had been going in circles. Somehow a tang of fear ran through my veins. What if I’m stuck here? There were monsters all around me, I could feel it in the air, as if they were right there watching me, waiting for me to stumble and fall and they’ll just eat me alive. Or worse.

Suddenly, everything felt so heavy within me. Somehow, I managed to reach a completely different world and find myself alone yet again. First, my father, then mother, then grandpa, the pain of their loss never left me. I learned to walk with it, breathe with it, smile with it, and essentially live with it. I sat at the edge of the path as the taunting air tousled around me. I hugged my knees and buried my head in them. I won’t cry. I promised grandpa I’ll be strong. I have to keep that promise. With a deep sigh, I touched my pendant which hung from the necklace around my neck. Please help me, Mathias. I don’t know what to do. 

 My eyes began getting moist. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Suddenly, I felt a soft touch on my fingers. I pulled my head up to stare at a little firefly that sat on the tip of my fingers and fluttered around me. “I suppose you’re going to turn into a dragon now and eat me?” I tried to smile away the heartache which was evident on my face. It did nothing but flutter around and then sat on the top of my knee. “Well,” I sighed sweetly towards it, “I guess it’s just you and me now.”

It flew up and then back at me and repeated. I blinked unsure of what to think. “Do you… do you want me to follow you?” I stood and frowned within myself. Was I really talking to a firefly? What have things come to? Needless to say, I don’t think I had many options to choose from in this current situation of mine. With every step I took in its direction, the firefly seemed to light up a bit. Surely, I must have been seeing things. It all felt like a dream. As opposed to before, I felt safer, somehow I felt protected. Where was this feeling coming from?

I stopped, only to realize, I was finally out of the forest. There was an open trail ahead that lead to a cemetery and another path that lead to a cave that ended in a bright light on its end. I was about to walk in that direction as it looked a bit safer and less murky however the little firefly began heading in the opposite direction through the cemetery.

“Hey, little firefly.” I tried to call ahead, “Are you sure about this way?” I asked nervously as I felt a chill run across me. My legs were aching at this point. I walked and walked until we reach a large muddy estate with an old grey mansion eight times the size of the manor back home. It was almost like an abandoned castle as weeds grew through the cracks and slush began eating into the walls from the rainfall which seemed to occur. I was having mixed feelings about this. I neared the mansion through the thick overgrown grass. The walls to enter were tall and dimly lit, as the firefly turned a corner, it suddenly disappeared.

Oh no.

My heart drummed. From a distance, I heard shouts, explosions, and screams. It was as if all of a sudden I was out of this dreamlike state and all my senses were suddenly coming back. Was I tricked? This must have been a trap and I walked right into it! I was about to turn back when I heard footsteps approaching. Quickly, I hid behind one of what seemed to look like wine barrels. Odd. I peeked through to notice two heavily armored green men with large reptile-like tails. They were more so like creatures. ‘Reptile-men’ I would name them. I absolutely detested reptiles. They often made my blood crawl. And these things before me were close to my biggest nightmare.

“The Demon-God’s slain most of us. We should raid Centron’s quarters and make haste. I will not have my blood spilled.” one growled.

The other stopped him suddenly. “Do you smell that?”


He grinned. “Fear. Yet I cannot put a scent to the creature.”

“I will not waste any time here.” The other hissed at him and walked away. The second armored reptile-man followed. I waited a few minutes until I listened to the footsteps descend and stood walking back out where I came from. I was about to turn when I saw three others at the gateway. Quickly, I retreated and decided to move forward. Perhaps I can find another exit out. Walking forward, I turned when suddenly someone snatched me up.

“There you are!” The armored creature snarled.

I was about to shriek but found myself a certain strength and swung the ax as strongly as I possibly could toward the creature. It seemed to have taken him by surprise. He groaned and knelt on the floor in pain as the ax stabbed into his stomach.

“Oh! Oh, I’m really sorry!” I exclaimed softly and swung it into its neck again. I was too tired to be captured again. Quickly and cautiously, I ran towards the wooden door in the side hall. I stumbled and fell and picked myself up only to realize after that I fell over a body. The hall was so dimly lit that I hadn’t noticed the bodies dead on the ground. All this time I thought it was water splashing beneath the soles of my shoes only to now understand that it was pools of blood. I wanted to throw up but held myself back. I had to get out.

Reaching towards the door, I took a deep breath and peeked through to notice a field of bodies beneath the musky dirty green sky above. I choked on the punchy scent of death before me. My heart trembled and yet I continued to walk forward. There it was again. The little firefly suddenly appeared again before me. I fell into a subtle trance. It called me forward as I followed. I was aware and yet unaware. The wind was soft and calming as I walked through the field of dead bodies. Just a little further. There was a gentle voice whispering into my ear. My body felt light as if it was being held, being carried. It was surreal and yet very real. Do not be afraid.

I stopped. My eyes soaked in the scene before me. Yuri?

There he was in a close distance. His snow-like hair danced with the movement of his body as he effortlessly spun and slit the throats of three of the reptile-men about to attack him. I watched as he was surrounded by about fifty of those creatures. And yet, he seemed so calm. Almost as if he enjoyed this. As if it were the easiest thing to do, like an ease to breathe. Fire blazed from his hands as the dim sun was getting ready to set. How is this possible? I watched. I watched as that was all I was left to do in frightening awe. This man… I don’t believe he was a man. I found myself being drawn closer. 

“Yuri…” I breathed.

I felt faint. Tired. Weak. The air here was crushing me. He turned. His violet eyes were unearthly. He was unearthly. That was the only thing that made sense right now. A sense of confusion and subtle shock fell over his face as he saw me. It quickly changed back to a serious and determined expression as he sliced the creature in half next to him. Was he coming closer to me? I couldn’t tell. My head felt funny. It felt as if it was splitting in two. What was happening? Is this real?

Suddenly, I felt his hand around my wrist, pulling me towards him. He held me against his chest as I felt a scorching heat around us. Death was caging in. And yet, he felt soft and kind. I breathed into the soft material of his white clothing. There was a warmth within him, a gentle dark warmth as opposed to the deadly ones surrounding us from the flames. I felt unable to speak clearly. I could only whisper. My hand touched the stone on his chest. My voice was soft, my heart was tired. My eyes were heavy. And still, somehow, I whispered softly in a tired smile, “You’re alright.”

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