Fatal Alliances: Bonus Chapter 3 (Part 2)


Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo

She couldn’t tell whether the person leaving the hotel was a man or woman because they had been wearing a hood and long trench over themselves. Her vision shifted to a young girl crunched over, at the sidewalk, on the opposite end. Was she okay? The girl slumped to the floor. Working on instinct, Julie shut the car door behind her and fastened her steps towards the girl who no one was helping.

“Hey,” she said, calming the young girl who seemed to be having a panic attack, “Here, look at me, take a deep breath.” The girl sucked in a shaky breath, but Julie held her gaze and breathed with her, “Three deep breaths,” she instructed, “There you go, it’s going to be okay.”

The girl let out a tired sigh, and tried to straighten herself, “T-thank you.”

“How are you feeling right now?”

“Better, I came down here for some fresh here, but I don’t know, I guess I just… Shit, I forgot my bag upstairs. Prom was horrid, my boyfriend broke up with me and went with someone else.”

Juliet returned a comforting smile, “Sounds like his loss. Let’s just head upstairs then and get your bag. I’m heading in anyway.”

“Thanks,” the girl said quietly. Entering the large, pillared entrance, they made their way to the elevator when the girl who introduced herself as Sarah continued, “Something’s weird going on upstairs on the seventh floor.”


“Yeah, some friends and I saw cops heading in through there and blocking the entrance from the rest of kids.”

The seventh floor was the floor that Finny stayed on. What was really going on here anyway? Was Finny okay? The sick nauseating feeling twisted within my stomach again. Something was definitely going on.

“Thanks for walking me back up here,” Sarah smiled, before hurrying towards two girls at the entrance of the hotel’s hall. Julie should have gone back to the car, but good choices were not her middle name. Taking the left, she headed towards Finny’s apartment.

Heavy scowls of cops daggered at her as she neared. “You can’t be in here mam,” one scolded, “This is a private scene.”

Her gaze slit through the shoulders of two cops to sink into Donnie’s surprised one from afar. “Julie?” his lips formed her name.

She was about to walk through when one of the cops halted her by the shoulder roughly. Before Donnie could have reached to her, an icy voice warned behind. “I’d advise you not to touch her again, officer.”

A voice she’d recognize anywhere. One she wasn’t sure if was happy to hear right now providing that she completely disregarded his request. Adrian gently took her hand in his and guided her through.

“I’m not surprised you left the car, but squaring up to a cop, love?” he scolded softly.

“I wasn’t leaving,” she defended, “A young girl was having a panic attack outside. I couldn’t sit there and do nothing. And I wasn’t going to fight the cop.”

“Thank God.” He muttered.

“And you don’t have to keep talking to me like a child. I’m a grown woman, Adrian. I can handle myself. You’re not my father. Or would you prefer if I start calling you daddy? Because if that’s your kink then just say so, daddy.”

Adrian clenched his jaw, and for the first time in his life, he was at a complete loss for words. Did she just call him… and did he actually like it? If he had his way right now, she’d be up against that wall behind her, exploring every inch of her. Fk whoever was around. That look she gave him. God. That look. It made him a weak man.

“I’m clearly interrupting something,” Donnie’s voice perched the thick air before them, “Come on mommy and daddy, we have a situation.”

Juliet walked angrily ahead to keep up with Donnie’s pace but stopped abruptly at the frame of the door to Finny’s room. Officers all gathered and blocked the scene off with do not enter yellow tape.

Donnie answered her question before she could finish it, “Finny’s not inside, but it’s not something you want to see.”

Adrian pushed through as she did. Juliet’s entire body froze in utter shock. She wanted to scream but her words choked out. A young woman lay bare on the floor of the apartment. Blood pooled around her body and stained the plush white rug. The word ‘Melissa’ was carved out in her stomach by a knife. A violent shiver crawled up her spine.

“It seems like your friend was busy last night.”

“I’m sure there’s another explanation. Let us deal with it,” Ricardo iced in response to the officer nearby. “Give us time.”

The man scoffed walking away, pushing me by the shoulder aside. I forced my gaze away from the gory sight as Adrian locked his with mine. Worried flushed across his feature. He didn’t think Finny did this, did he?

“I tried calling but he’s not answering,” Donnie muttered to Adrian and me quietly, “This doesn’t look good, Adri. And the officers are being a pain in the ass.”

“What if something happened to him? What if he’s hurt right now. He needs our help.”

Donnie shifted uncomfortable.

“What?” she asked, observing his discomfort.

“He left with is passport and luggage.”

The words reached Juliet like a violent stab in her gut. Her eyes drifted back to the mutilated girl on the floor. She let out a shudder.

But Finneas J. Harrison wasn’t capable of murder.

Or was he?

Hey Guys! Add me on Tiktok! I’ll be sharing more updates on this novel there. PS: You can soon get a completely rewritten and edited version in PAPERBACK!

Also, in it’s new release, everything you think you know about Fatal Alliances, might not actually be what you thought 😉

The roof was wetter than she was tonight. Heavy raindrops pounded on, turning into a storm of desire and frustration. He was gone longer than she’d expected. Not a single call. The past few days with these unwanted guests in her house made her uneasy to say the least. Yet, wanted by her husband. Who the hell told him he could make a decision like that without her? God, he frustrated the shit out of her. God, did she love him anyway.

Elizabeth twirled her wedding ring around her delicate finger and shifted restlessly on the empty bed. The feeling of loneliness crept up between her legs. She shifted again. The nerve that man had to leave her here like this for days. She was thirsty. Really thirsty. The bottles at the bedside table had all been drained from earlier today. She hated cramps with a passion. She hated when he wasn’t around her when she felt like this.

Deciding to refill the water mug, she pushed herself off the bed and threw over a white shirt of her husband’s. This was the closest she felt to him in days, somehow it warmed her heart. Brushing her fingertips over the assortment of his cologne, she opted for her favourite. Musky. Dark. Sensual. Charming. Everything she’d describe Sebastian Lockwick to be.

The lights of the hall had been buried in darkness, yet the moonlight fought through the windows which luminated the moon-crest sloped staircase. The warm soles of her feet licked the icy marble beneath her as she made her way into the kitchen. Her eyes burned from the lack of sleep and worry. Men.

The sound of the ice maker suddenly startled her, causing her to spill the water she was pouring into a glass. “Shit.” As she pressed the rim of the glass to her lips, the sound of a hushed door closing grasped her attention. 11:55pm. Who could have been down here so late? Was someone breaking in? Surely, she could have handled the situation herself. Grabbing a hold on the nearest knife at the counter, she carefully trailed towards the sound.

A blanket of silence fell upon her at the sight of her husband drenched in blood, white shirt now wine, the tang of metallic red sin caressed her nose, his hair soaked in thick salted sweat and blood that slicked to his forehead. His eyes, however, reflected from the moonlight in its majestic silver blue. Elizabeth frowned deeply as he stalked towards her and stood inches apart.  

“Well, you’re bloody late.” She broke the silence, annoyed.

Sebastian gave out a low chuckle, astonished at his wife’s dry humor, “A pun? Really?”

“How dare you leave me here like this,” she softly raged, bringing the knife up to his throat, “How fking dare you.”

“Love,” he cooed into her left ear, and pulled her tenderly by the waist, clasping the spaces between them. “I missed you too.”

“Are you forgetting the knife in my hand, Sebastian?” She warned.

“Go ahead, stab me.”

Sighing, she dropped it and wrapped her arms around his red moist neck. Swiftly, scooping her into his arms and perching her upon the kitchen’s island. “I should get cleaned up,” he suggested, “I don’t want you getting ill.”

“No, no. I’m not waiting anymore,” Elizabeth breathed shortly, locked her legs around him. Pressing her lips onto his, she’d slip her tongue in through smiles. He tasted like blood and vodka. Whose blood was this? She hadn’t even known. His hands travelled along her naked legs, as she moaned into him. Up. Up. Pulling away slightly, she kept an arm’s length, breathed, and slapped him across the face.

“You’re upset. I shouldn’t have left like that. I know. Things got… complicated.” He motioned to his drenched attire.

Just wanted to let you guys know that I’ve uploaded the completed novel for my story OPHELIA. You just read it’s prologue. If you love mystery, dark romance, unhinged/ morally grey characters, crazy unpredictable plot twists, Gillian Flynn sort of novels with romance in it, then I think you will LOVE Ophelia. I actually cried writing it because I love one of the male love interest so damn much and -well- it’s a lot to explain. And I genuinely believe you will enjoy the crazy ride of that storyline! IF YOU LOVE FATAL ALLIANCES, YOU’LL LOVE THIS ONE!

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Enjoying this book? Be sure to also take a peek at my other completed novels as well:

Click the link below to Read:

Damned by Celine Mahadeo

Ophelia by Celine Mahadeo

Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo

The Saint Have Fallen by Celine Mahadeo

The Saints Have Fallen Trailer Blurb:

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1 year ago

I really liked this chapter, I somehow expected Adrian to be trigged by being called ‘daddy’ but I guess I was wrong and he’s healing 😆 IMO this honestly has potential to be a full fledged murder mystery. I personally always wanted to see more of Adrian’s inner conflict when it comes to his past with Melissa and the dynamics between the fellas and now with Juliet in the picture. Feel free to ignore me and p.s. Happy belated birthday 💜

1 year ago

Is there going to be a story about finny?