The Saints Have Fallen is a YA Dark Romance Fantasy Novel written by Celine Mahadeo.
Novel. Fiction. Genre (Dark Romance Fantasy).
By Celine Mahadeo.
After being stripped of his title as a God and turned into a demon in the presence of his brother, Yuri was banished to earth to live amongst the humans whom he hates. 200 years later, a young girl shows up at his doorstep holding both his life and death in her hands whilst not having any idea of the power in which she possesses.
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Chapter 24
He remained in his distinct silence. Yuri was either a good listener or wasn’t listening to a thing I said. And I was hoping it wasn’t the latter. He took the lead after implying that this was a faster route back to the house. The crunch of dried leaves danced deliciously under my boots whilst the specks of sunlight planted kisses upon our skin through the tall branches above. There was a crispness to the air, fresh and silky. Colours of the earth in its greens and browns swirled with divinity in sight. There was no path we were following but I trusted that Yuri knew the way.
The silence between us felt too long and lingering so I tried to crack a conversation, “I also met a woman there- when I went to meet Quilt. I felt like she was… a Goddess. I don’t know, maybe it’s just a silly thought. But I feel, I don’t know… you must think I’m crazy.”
“No,” Yuri said coolly, “You travelled to the Otherworld and back, witnessed things a normal human does not. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re in shock and your body and brain haven’t processed it yet.” We remained in each other’s silence for a moment. “You won’t get information from the bird.” He said finally as he led. He was walking a lot faster than I could have kept up with, but he stopped until I found my way nearer.
“The bird?” I exhaled from my quickened pace, confused.
“Quilt’s not human but you already made that assumption. I’m simply confirming it. He’s the messenger for…” Yuri held onto my gaze, “Mathias.”
I blinked, astonished at the name.
“He knows…”
“Yes, but him giving you the information you desire or seek is futile. Even if Quilt knows the reason, he’s only loyal to Mathias. So asking him or even begging him won’t work. He carries around those letters as if it’s some bloody trophy.”
“Letters? Like actual letters?”
“To and from his master, yes.”
My mind quickly jumped to a memory of Quilt and his brown leather satchel. He held onto that thing like it was his dear life. A hasty idea began taking birth within my mind. If those letters are going directly to Mathias, I needed to make sure mine is there. The idea of sending a letter with my questions to an actual God was beyond me. And quite frankly, Yuri was right, I still felt a bit numb from everything that has happened thus far. Before this numbness of mine wears out, I needed to act fast before I crashed.
The angelic and cryptic man before me held his signature scowl and crossed his arms. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m surprised you don’t know.”
My response took him by surprise as he unfolded his arms and dropped them to his side. He searched my face for something more, but let the thought go as he neared me, “I gave you my word that I wouldn’t. My word is my life.”
I hadn’t expected him to say that, but I was nonetheless grateful. “I’m wondering,” I knitted my eyebrows closely together, as we were inches apart, “When we were in the town and the park, how is it that no one finds you out of the ordinary?” It was a curious question. He wasn’t a ‘man’ one would not be staring at or completely brushed aside. How is it that no one in this town doesn’t notice him?
“And I’m wondering,” he began- his breath a hot second apart from my lips, and his eyes drinking me in, “How you can see me for who I am and not what I want you to see.”
My back was against the thick, rough tree when suddenly I felt an icy sharpness threatening my throat. He pressed me firmly to the tree, with a silver dagger to my neck. His face was devoid of emotion except for anything murderous. The once violet colour which swirled within his eyes was darkening into something monstrous and threatening- until fully black. It reflected the colour of his soul, a longing, a rage, an emptiness within. His aura felt cold and heavy and achingly dark.
His voice came out in a growl that grew goosebumps over my body, “What are you?”
I couldn’t move. I couldn’t feel anything, nothing but the disgust and anger boiling within my blood and bones for trusting him. Trusting him so much that I led myself into a trap. His knee edged up between my skirt as he crushed me within his grip.
“Let. Me. Go.” I seethed.
“What are you?” he hissed, pressing his body against me tighter. I squealed from the sudden pain. His breath was hot against me as I felt his heartbeat thumping vigorously within his chest. I fought the urge to split on that stupid face of his but held myself back from getting my throat slit open.
“I don’t know what in the bloody hells you’re asking me! I don’t know anything other than you being a complete narcissistic, barbaric, asshole.”
I spat on his face. His grip loosened from the surprise of it. Before he firmed me back, I kneed him to the balls and pushed away. I ran. I ran as fast and as hard as I could. My legs ached and my body throbbed, veins pumping thick and thunderous, and leaking from adrenaline- or what remained. The leaves danced in laughter above me. It felt like I was…going in circles. No. I pushed through more twists and turns and twigs when he appeared before me, behind a sturdy tree, his expression indomitable.
“No,” I tumbled back, losing my balance, shocking my bones with the impact to the ground. I tried to stand when he yanked me by the ankle roughly towards him. “Let- go- of- me!” I trashed my arms and legs under him as he let out a heavy sigh. I tried throwing punches at him but there was no flicker of even a motion from him except his disapproval. I clawed under his body but only managed to rip the first two buttons off. Strands of his silver hair somehow fell gracefully over his untouched, stupidly beautiful face. I reached to claw at his face when he clutched my wrists together and pinned them over my head. The earthy floor beneath me quaked as I scuffled angrily. His jaw and muscles were tight, and his eyes drank me in consumingly. I never had a man this close to me and this was certainly not the type of situation I had in my mind when I pictured it.
In heavy and heated breaths, I kicked in futile attempts. I felt helpless beneath him. My heart was hammering extensively. He gently tilted his head to observe me. In a swift second, I bit into his bottom lip and pulled violently, hoping he’d let go. His eyes flickered, not from the pain but the sudden surprise of my action as a drop of blood from the small cut on his lip fell onto mine. He studied it carefully.
There was a tug of amusement from the corner of his lips as he arched a brow at me, “Are you trying to get away from me or arouse me, human?”
“Well forgive me if I am interrupting something.” A voice daggered through the now icy air. The man who stood before us was no man at all. Yuri quickly pulled me up and took a careful step in front of me, keeping a stern grip of his hand around my wrist. The thing before us grinned. I’d never seen a creature like that.
He had the height, build, and figure of a man but his skin was the faintest shade of blue. Pale blue was an understatement, it looked unnatural and unearthly- in an uncomfortable sort of way. If not observed, one could mistake the shade to be a strange ivory. At the side of his face, scales a deeper shade of blue etched on. He looked almost magical but his eyes were void. Dark. Endless. A silver-blue. He chuckled as he leaned off the trunk of the tree and studied Yuri carefully. His silver boots were decorated with daggers and his navy overcoat heavy with hidden weapons. Yet, the most curious part of him was the horns that stood fixed upon his head, covered, and wrapped around by his pastel blue hair with white highlights.
“My Lord,” he couldn’t contain a wicked laugh, “I’d expected to greet you fighting off an ancient demon not rolling around the mud with a filthy human.” He crossed him a look but eyes stapled back to me, drinking me in with his gaze, “Though, I do enjoy dark-haired beauties myself.” This time, “He smiled, showing his fang-like teeth, “Their blood is wickedly delicious.” He lunged forward, towards me. A numbness blanketed me.
Quicker than half of a split second, Yuri slammed him against the tree. He returned to his former position, this time closer to Yuri. Close enough, so that Yuri could grip him by his collar and hiss murderously into his face, “Who are you?”
The thing smiled calmly, “Only a servant to you, my Lord. Though my given name is Syn. Syn of the High Guards, to his great darkness.”
I wanted to run but an ache shot through my body as I crunched, folded at the root of the tree. My leg ached murderously. Yuri pushed him roughly away, allowing him to stagger back but hold his place firmly. He kept his head slightly held high but respectfully low before the Demon-God.
“You make no sense.”
“We are awakening, my Lord. And we are awaiting your return.”
Yuri frowned deeply at his words. “I have no desire to reclaim my former role as a God.”
Syn’s eyes sparkled in terrible amusement, “Why be a petty God when-” He held his words back. At that moment, he looked as if he was about to lung himself forward and attack. Instead, he knelt on the ground before him and bowed. He pulled out a dagger and drew a half-circle before him. “Beckon me when the time is right.” He was about to plunge the dagger into the soil when his eyes fell on me, “And if the human means something to you, you might want to get my poison out of her, or she loses her leg.”
With a stab of the dagger into the soil, he was gone. A shot of pain rushed through my body. Blood leaked down my legs. As I hitched my dress up a bit, fang marks remained on my inner thigh where the blood oozed from. Yuri knelt beside me with creased eyebrows, looking at the marks. For the first time, he seemed perplexed. I didn’t need him to look like this right now. It wasn’t helping the situation. I was in this position because of him. He led me here.
“What are you waiting for?” I hissed in pain and annoyance. He wouldn’t leave me here like this, would he? I clutched onto his shirt and fisted a ball of the clothing into my hand, “Use your magic and help me you hot-headed piece of-” I groaned from the sudden stab of pain through my legs. I breathed in heavily.
“It cannot work like that.” He said firmly, concern heavy within his eyes.
“What?” I barked.
“I cannot use my magic because I do not know what his species is.”
“Yuri…” I inhaled with a shaky breath.
He pressed his thumb behind my ears in an attempt to numb the pain. His eyes darkened as he looked at my wound, rolled his sleeves up, and drew his face closer. He tilted his head slightly up to me, “Spread your legs, and don’t pull my hair.”
His lips trickled along the soft skin of my inner thigh, sending a shiver of pain and delight up my spine. His bottom lip dragged along the tenderest areas around the wound. His tongue flickered at certain points almost tauntingly. He seemed to be evaluating how far the poison travelled. That was the only logical reason I could think of right now. I trembled feeling an odd sensation rush through my body when he moved closer to the apex. Pain and pleasure mingled as his hair grazed against my-
“Oh,” I gasped, burying my finger into his silken hair. I couldn’t tell what I was feeling right now. And I don’t think I should have been feeling any of it. I fisted my hand into his hair as I felt the poison and pain twisting against the pleasurable sensation. That damn creature knew exactly what he was doing when he bit me.
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Enjoying this book? Be sure to also take a peek at my other completed novels as well:
Click here to read: Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo
Click here to read: Damned by Celine Mahadeo
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Thank you for the update auther
Finally! Thanks for the update, Celine. Im looking for the next chapter.I really love it
Finally!! Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next chapter.
I don’t have the patience to wait for next update after that ending

Thanks for the update Dear Writer hoping the next one comes sooner
Finally!!!! update can’t wait for the next this really helps get my mind to relax after the stress of my GCSE I am doing right now GCSE
Yippee! And an update came up. Thanks Celine. Ok I don’t know what to make of it. Was that creature helping Mathias bring Yuri and Ana together
? Dunno
seriously! why here, why… thanks tho.please update early
Thanks for the update Author.
Please im begging for the next chapter! The story makes me lose sleep already! Its so beautifully put together!
i love the story so much cant wait for the next episode!!
I can’t wait for the next update