The Saints Have Fallen is a YA Dark Romance Fantasy Novel written by Celine Mahadeo.
Novel. Fiction. Genre (Dark Romance Fantasy).
By Celine Mahadeo.
After being stripped of his title as a God and turned into a demon in the presence of his brother, Yuri was banished to earth to live amongst the humans whom he hates. 200 years later, a young girl shows up at his doorstep holding both his life and death in her hands whilst not having any idea of the power in which she possesses.
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PS: This is one of my favourite chapters.
Her heart was beating at an alarmingly fast pace and the last thing I wanted the human to do right now was die from the shock she was in. Her body trembled as I held her. I wanted her to stop. I wanted her to calm down and be okay because I was feeling her uneasiness as well.
This type of comforting was new to me. I’d never done it, and yet it was all I wanted to do right now. It felt natural. Almost like an instinct. I hated the way she was feeling. I hated the anguish that was now seeping into her thoughts- and into mine. My hands clenched into fists as my muscles stiffened. Gods, I would set the world on fire right now if it eased her heart in any way. This damned bond we had. And there was nothing I could do to change it.
“What happened? I heard a scream-” Claude bolted through the doorframe. He observed the body on the floor and the celestial blade. “Well, that didn’t look good,” he arched an eyebrow.
“Mama!” Isabelle shrieked at the doorway as Lou and Byron join.
“Enough,” I silenced her and put her under a sleeping spell. The girl thumped to the floor as Ana turned in alarm.
“What did you-”
“She’s not dead,” I assured her, “Just asleep until I awake her.”
A sense of nausea gushed over her as her eyes wavered over her aunt’s dead body. There was so much guilt. So much pain within her. Shame and sickness both intertwined within her bloodstream. I couldn’t understand this human. She had so much empathy and kindness for this vile woman. The woman that killed her.
“Lou, help her get cleaned up. And Byron, take the sleeping human back to her room.”
Ana turned back to me, her eyes flickered in agony like stars on a gloomy night. A heavy rock of words sat painfully at the back of her throat, but her words fell empty as she stared up at me. The closer she was to me, the bond grew stronger. And I needed to focus. I must. She needed to be away from me. I had to keep my distance. No matter how much I detested the very thought when she was in such pain.
“Go on with Lou, she’ll take care of you.” I achingly forced my words out.
A string of heavy silence fell between us. Lou made her way to her side and carried her away. I wanted to listen to her thoughts. What she thought of me. Did she hate me for brushing her away like that? Why should it even bother me anyway? This wasn’t who I am. Then again, after what happened in the Otherworld. How was I even sure who I was anymore? It’s better the girl stays away from me until I figure this out. It’s safer for her.
“So, I’m confused,” Claude began whilst kicking the head of Edna gently with his boot, “Is this a good thing or bad?”
I tilted my head slightly to observe the thick slumped woman before me. Why did she want to kill me? And where did she find a celestial blade from? These weapons were only found and guarded in the Highland under the security of the High Court.
Kneeling, I twisted her neck to the side to see the thick red blood that was flowing out of her neck now turning a deep green shade.
“She’s a demon,” I muttered.
“That’s impossible,” Claude protested, “Demons can’t take the form of humans. I would have picked up on her scent the moment she got here.”
I sighed, “We already concluded that there were new species infiltrating. Whatever kind it was must have possessed her.”
He didn’t like the sound of it. Being unaware of something like this made him uncomfortable. As it did I. How could I have not known? Then again, I was numb. I was feeling absolutely nothing since I got back from the Otherworld. Nothing except when she was near to me. Only then I felt everything all at once. Her thoughts, her mood, her pain, her aura. Since I returned, those feelings only intensified, and all I wanted right now was her. The only thing that prevents us from completing the bond was that we hadn’t consummated the marriage. A marriage that she had no idea about. A marriage that I did not want.
“Are you all right?” Claude’s question interrupted my internal conflict. “I’ll take the body to the Otherworld and burn it with hellfire.”
I nodded and picked up the celestial blade from the floor. Would this have worked on me still?
Claude paused with Edna slinked over his shoulder, “Are you sure you’re all right? You don’t seem like yourself right now.”
I let out a soft scoff to myself. Claude understood me more than my own brother ever did. “I’m wonderful,” I lied. He only returned a frown but hadn’t pushed to ask further questions. Thank the Hells. I couldn’t answer any of his questions. Some I was figuring out for myself still. I watched as he walked off and shut the door behind him. The blood was still stained upon my floor but it was the least of my worries. The air choked around me, a suffocating sort of agony. My head ached and throbbed. I sat at the edge of my bed, running my fingers through my hair. Was she feeling this? My heart was clenching so tightly right now. What the actual fuck was this feeling? The last hour ached like an eternity, with every second choking and stabbing me slowly. Should I have gone to her? No. I couldn’t. Should I have pushed her away? No. She doesn’t know what I am. I don’t understand myself yet. But her pain- Gods her pain was murdering me from the inside out. This was beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. I. Wanted. It. To. Stop.
“Well, you look like utter hell, my Lord.” Syn stood at the balcony, and reappeared inside through the fluttering curtain, propping himself against the wall, “And not like the good one.”
“What do you want?” I groaned at his presence.
“I’m here to ensure you’re not dead, seeing that you’re going through some changes right now.”
I tossed the celestial blade at his feet, “A demon was in possession of this. You know what this weapon does.”
Syn’s frown thickened. He picked the blade up with his tail and secured it in his pocket. Since when did he have a tail? Had I noticed that before? I groaned away the pain again. I should go to her. What was she doing right now? Was she crying? This damned frustration… For fuck’s sake.
“I came to also tell you that tomorrow night is the Black Blooded Moon.” He arched an eyebrow at me. I must have looked pathetic, laying here as if I’d been tied down with iron chains, and bricks on top of me. “Does any of this have to do with the human girl? Because I will gladly take pleasure in killing her, my Lord.”
“No!” I snarled, throwing a dagger violently near his neck at the wall, “Touch her and it would be the last thing you ever touch again, and the last breath you ever will take.”
He exhaled slowly, but sterned himself still.
“Remember our deal,” I reminded him. “I haven’t forgotten my end of our bargain.”
He nodded, and within seconds, disappeared into the night.
That bargain wasn’t any I could forget. Or will ever. I’d be dead right now if it wasn’t for it. I pinched the bridge of my nose to ease the headache I was having. If Syn hadn’t found me in the Otherworld- if he hadn’t gotten to me on time- if it wasn’t for our deal, I wouldn’t be here right now. But was it worth it? I don’t remember much that happened, my memory is a blur and it’s only slowly getting back to me. He arrived just before those creatures could have finished me off. He created this barrier, gave me a dagger- one I’d never seen before, spoken to me in a language I had never heard before, and yet, I understood every word as if it was my mother tongue. My choices weren’t many. Either kill or be killed. And to not end up like the latter, I needed to kill myself and who I thought I was. Irthrebith. Rebirth. That was what he had said to me. To gain my power. To kill those creatures. To go back…
And I did just so. I had plugged that dagger so deeply into my heart that I could have felt it ripping through every part of me. Every rip into my soul, I felt it. Power. A fleeting thing. But it was there. Just within my reach. There was a familiarity about it, but it was not mine. Yet I wielded it. I killed those creatures. Their blood is on my hands. I remember vaguely. I remember just enough, enough to leave, enough to get back here. From at first this numbness, to now with all my extra heightened senses. I just hadn’t expected you to drive me to such insanity with our bond.
Ripping myself off the bed, I left this room of mine. Lou stood at the end of the hall with a tray of food in her hands and a plastered frown upon her face.
“What is wrong?” I asked, sensing her disapproval of the situation.
“The girl has not eaten and refuses to speak. Her state is fragile.”
“Where is she?”
Just wanted to let you guys know that I’ve uploaded the completed novel for my story OPHELIA. If you love mystery, dark romance, unhinged/ morally grey characters, crazy unpredictable plot twists, Gillian Flynn sort of novels with romance in it, then I think you will LOVE Ophelia. I actually cried writing it because I love one of the male love interest so damn much and -well- it’s a lot to explain. And I genuinely believe you will enjoy the crazy ride of that storyline!
For visual scenes of this novel, follow me on TikTok! I enjoy bringing these scenes and characters to life, so I hope you do too! Love & appreciate you guys for the support. Here’s the link to my TikTok (hope to see you there!)
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Enjoying this book? Be sure to also take a peek at my other completed novels as well:
Click the link below to Read:
Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo
The Saint Have Fallen by Celine Mahadeo
The Saints Have Fallen Trailer Blurb:

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This chapter was amazing! I can’t wait for the next one
So glad you enjoyed it!
I’m astound at the way this story is progressing.