The Saints Have Fallen is an Adult Dark Romance Fantasy Novel written by Celine Mahadeo.
Novel. Fiction. Genre (Dark Romance Fantasy).
By Celine Mahadeo.
After being stripped of his title as a God and turned into a demon in the presence of his brother, Yuri was banished to earth to live amongst the humans whom he hates. 200 years later, a young girl shows up at his doorstep holding both his life and death in her hands whilst not having any idea of the power in which she possesses.

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Hey guys, just a quick reminder that feedback on the blog helps it a lot. Be sure to view the short video at the end and take a peek at my new completed novel ‘Ophelia’.
I had not expected the magnificent image before me. I turned completely in its view and leaned at the edge of the boat, drinking in its grand splendor. Lights decorated the entire manor and lit the pathway towards the sea where we would dock. The tousling waves crashed against the foot of the stairs which surrounded the manor’s entrance like a barrier. The tide was high tonight hence the sea swallowed the bottom two flights of steps, and an earthy chill danced around us whilst the moon hung threateningly low. Yuri buried his boot into the water as he anchored the boat with a rope to the nearest pillar. I was about to step out and into the shallow water as well when a glowing golden light shimmered beneath my shoe at the surface of the water. It guided me towards the dry, cemented stairs without allowing a drop of water to soak or even splash onto my shoe. It was Yuri’s magic of course, and it extended towards the manor.
He stood beside me as I stared at the large double door with a much more detailed and elaborate design in the carvings. He said not a word as the door croaked open. My initial thought was an old dusty large manor that was abandoned thousands of years ago as dark and gloomy as its master, but instead, I found quite the opposite. The scent of cinnamon and pumpkin spice danced in lingers through the air. The walls were so tall, one would assume it could almost reach the Highland with its decorated lanterns that lit every room and hall. The porcelain tiles glistened as we walked further in. Further and further, it was as if I was walking into the heart of a very God. And though the space was large and spacious, there was an irreplaceable warmth that kissed the very atmosphere.
“Yuri, this place-” I let out a soft gasp, “It’s beautiful.”
In one of the rooms, at the side, something scuffled. Drawing myself closer, I observed inanimate cleaning objects such as brooms and wiping cloths, etc being in use and tidying each and every room in the most animated way possible. No human nor lifeform was holding any of those objects. It was all… magic. Everything here felt magical.
“How is this place even possible? Places like this would be turned into museums, historical artifacts.”
“That’s because the humans do not know of it, they cannot see it. No human can or will ever be able to,” he answered as we walked into the study. A small, carpeted room with a heavy teak desk sitting at the center and walls lined with thick and heavy books. A tall window was planted at the side and gave a view of an endless night sky painted in shimmering starlight just before the ocean’s cliff. “I used magic to hide it. I couldn’t bare seeing this place touched and ruined by them.”
“You’re right,” I breathed, keeping my eyes glued towards the stars outside, “We do ruin things. We’re all monsters.”
“That is not what I meant.” He frowned, “Certainly not you.”
“I killed her, Yuri.” My voice ached softly and broke as I spoke, “I killed her.”
He tugged me gently towards him, about to protest but instead, I filled the spaces of his words, “And do you want to know the strangest part, Yuri?”
At that moment, a threading silence lingered between us. So quiet I could hear the beating of my very own heart alerting me how alive I was right now. His eyes consumed me, into my very soul, awaiting me to speak, to push out only truthful words. “I would do it again for you,” I whispered.
And that- was the very truth. I couldn’t understand why but every part of me knew I’d do it again to save him. It was like an instinct and a feeling I could not control. Yuri tightened the spaces between us and gently tangled his fingers into my hair. He cupped my face and tilted it up to his. There, the faintest smile softened upon his lips.
“I have come across many creatures in my lifetime, but you are no monster, Ana Alois. You’re the furthest thing from.”
His words were comforting but only aided me briefly. I did not want to dwell on my guilt right now at least. Not when Yuri felt like a friend to me at this very moment. Smoke and darkness seeped out of the floor and opened a portal before us.
“It’s only outside,” he said whilst stepping a foot in, hoping I’d accompany him.
As I stepped in, we both stood before the cliff. Dark waves crashed beneath us, hungry and violent. I took a step back, in case a strong gust of wind blows me off and I fall to my death.
“So, is this where you throw me off and be free of me once and for all?” I asked with a small smile.
“Free of you,” he muttered softly like a joke to himself, “Impossible.”
Tiny flowers decorated the ground in patches around us and the stars kept sparkling like flashes towards me. Almost as if it wanted my attention. It reminded me of a story I read about in an old book my grandpa had.
“Is it true that when a person dies of a broken heart, the Goddess of Love and the Goddess of the Moon made a deal to turn them into stars to give those below hope? That the stars were now the children of the Moon Goddess because she wasn’t able to bear children of her own.”
“Only if the souls consented to be under the guidance of the Goddess. Most preferred that the remaining chose to continue with their passage.”
“But wouldn’t it be much lovelier to be under the care of the Moon Goddess?”
Yuri chuckled. “The stories are so romanticized to you humans.” His voice held sympathy as he looked at me, “The truth is there is no freedom in her care. Once turned into a star, as beautiful the feeling, the admiration, over time you become something inanimate. Forgetting. Forgotten. And nothing but a speck of light in a vast sea of darkness.”
He reached his hand towards the night sky and tightened his wrist into the air. Bringing his arm back in between us, he opened his palm to a sparkling star upon it. My lips parted. I’d never seen anything so beautiful up close. My words were all stuck between my teeth and tied within my throat. He reached up and tucked the star between my hair and ear.
“To us, they’re what flowers are to you humans. Found only at The Night Lake in the Highland. At every eclipse, the Moon Goddess would hold a grand festival. I wouldn’t dare to say I enjoyed it, but it was always a special night.”
“You must have loved your people.” I smiled, noticing how the memory warmed him.
“Once,” he admitted and turned away so I wouldn’t see the pain that flicked across his eyes. But I saw. I felt it. A deep memory aching within his soul. Betrayal from his own people. The ones he only wanted to protect. Regardless of whatever his method was, his intention was pure.
“You didn’t deserve what they did to you,” I whispered softly, “I’m sorry.”
He let out a soft, brief chuckle as he spoke his words playfully, keeping his gaze upon the darkness before him, “Don’t feel sorry for me just yet, darling. I am the villain after all.”
I didn’t want to believe that. I couldn’t bring myself to. At least not right now he wasn’t. I exhaled, unsure what to say when I noticed in the distance a patch of light on the right, below us. “What’s that?” I pointed.
“A small village I came across. Taxed too much, little resources, and barely any wealth. The things I’ve seen these humans do to each other, and then you ask me why I resent them so much. War, Ana.”
It only then dawned on me that the God of War resented the idea of war itself. And he was here for it all. War and death were no stranger to him and yet his tone right now seemed like he hated it.
“Don’t misunderstand me,” he corrected, “War, hate, cruelty, vengeance, justice, and such are not only present in the Highland and Hells, but here as well. It’s just that watching these weak creatures fight, risk everything they have for the pettiest of things. Death to others means nothing to some of them. And yet they fear their own.”
Murvista’s words echoed in my mind.
“Death has already claimed me,” I found myself repeating her words I did not understand softly. My head ached terribly and all I wanted to do right now was sit.
“What?” Yuri snapped his head towards me.
“Nothing- I- I just have a headache.”
“Then you should head inside and get some rest,” he said whilst opening the portal behind us to a large but cozy room lit with candles, “I will follow shortly.”
He hadn’t turned to look at me when he spoke. My head ached and I didn’t want to think too much about it so I nodded and walked through the portal which closed behind me. Throwing myself onto the bed, I only intended to shut my eyes for a few moments, but those moments turned into heavy hours that drifted by.
The roof was wetter than she was tonight. Heavy raindrops pounded on, turning into a storm of desire and frustration. He was gone longer than she’d expected. Not a single call. The past few days with these unwanted guests in her house made her uneasy to say the least. Yet, wanted by her husband. Who the hell told him he could make a decision like that without her? God, he frustrated the shit out of her. God, did she love him anyway.
Elizabeth twirled her wedding ring around her delicate finger and shifted restlessly on the empty bed. The feeling of loneliness crept up between her legs. She shifted again. The nerve that man had to leave her here like this for days. She was thirsty. Really thirsty. The bottles at the bedside table had all been drained from earlier today. She hated cramps with a passion. She hated when he wasn’t around her when she felt like this.
Deciding to refill the water mug, she pushed herself off the bed and threw over a white shirt of her husband’s. This was the closest she felt to him in days, somehow it warmed her heart. Brushing her fingertips over the assortment of his cologne, she opted for her favourite. Musky. Dark. Sensual. Charming. Everything she’d describe Sebastian Lockwick to be.
The lights of the hall had been buried in darkness, yet the moonlight fought through the windows which luminated the moon-crest sloped staircase. The warm soles of her feet licked the icy marble beneath her as she made her way into the kitchen. Her eyes burned from the lack of sleep and worry. Men.
The sound of the ice maker suddenly startled her, causing her to spill the water she was pouring into a glass. “Shit.” As she pressed the rim of the glass to her lips, the sound of a hushed door closing grasped her attention. 11:55pm. Who could have been down here so late? Was someone breaking in? Surely, she could have handled the situation herself. Grabbing a hold on the nearest knife at the counter, she carefully trailed towards the sound.
A blanket of silence fell upon her at the sight of her husband drenched in blood, white shirt now wine, the tang of metallic red sin caressed her nose, his hair soaked in thick salted sweat and blood that slicked to his forehead. His eyes, however, reflected from the moonlight in its majestic silver blue. Elizabeth frowned deeply as he stalked towards her and stood inches apart.
“Well, you’re bloody late.” She broke the silence, annoyed.
Sebastian gave out a low chuckle, astonished at his wife’s dry humor, “A pun? Really?”
“How dare you leave me here like this,” she softly raged, bringing the knife up to his throat, “How fucking dare you.”
“Love,” he cooed into her left ear, and pulled her tenderly by the waist, clasping the spaces between them. “I missed you too.”
“Are you forgetting the knife in my hand, Sebastian?” She warned.
“Go ahead, stab me.”
Sighing, she dropped it and wrapped her arms around his red moist neck. Swiftly, scooping her into his arms and perching her upon the kitchen’s island. “I should get cleaned up,” he suggested, “I don’t want you getting ill.”
“No, no. I’m not waiting anymore,” Elizabeth breathed shortly, locked her legs around him. Pressing her lips onto his, she’d slip her tongue in through smiles. He tasted like blood and vodka. Whose blood was this? She hadn’t even known. His hands travelled along her naked legs, as she moaned into him. Up. Up. Pulling away slightly, she kept an arm’s length, breathed, and slapped him across the face.
“You’re upset. I shouldn’t have left like that. I know. Things got… complicated.” He motioned to his drenched attire.
If you love mystery, dark romance, unhinged/ morally grey characters, crazy unpredictable plot twists, Gillian Flynn sort of novels with romance in it, then I think you will LOVE ‘Ophelia’. I actually cried writing it because I love one of the male love interest so damn much and -well- it’s a lot to explain. And I genuinely believe you will enjoy the crazy ride of that storyline! You just read the prologue, here’s the completed story!
For visual scenes of this novel, follow me on TikTok! I enjoy bringing these scenes and characters to life, so I hope you do too! Love & appreciate you guys for the support. Here’s the link to my TikTok (hope to see you there!)
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Enjoying this book? Be sure to also take a peek at my other completed novels as well:
Click the link below to Read:
Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo
The Saint Have Fallen by Celine Mahadeo
The Saints Have Fallen Trailer Blurb:

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I’m so happy to see consistent uploads, thanks author 💕
This is such a mesmerizing chapter. I’m loving these one on one interactions between Ana and Yuri
Thank you! <3
Excited to read point of view of Yuri.
Hey Celine, its been a long time.
I loooooove this story ! Im so excited to read the next chapters !! ❤️
Hii! I’m so happy you’re enjoying <3