Hi my friends, it’s been too long. I’ve been on a bit of a break. But- I’m back and super excited to finish sharing this novel. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on it! Please do leave your feedback. ALSO, let me know who’s your favourite character so far!
The Saints Have Fallen is an Adult Dark Romance Fantasy Novel written by Celine Mahadeo.
Novel. Fiction. Genre (Dark Romance Fantasy).
By Celine Mahadeo.
After being stripped of his title as a God and turned into a demon in the presence of his brother, Yuri was banished to earth to live amongst the humans whom he hates. 200 years later, a young girl shows up at his doorstep holding both his life and death in her hands whilst not having any idea of the power in which she possesses.

Hey guys, just a quick reminder that feedback on the blog helps it a lot. Be sure to view the short video at the end and take a peek at my new completed novel ‘Ophelia’.
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“What do you mean by a new darkness plaguing over the hells?” I asked, firming my brows together as Claude, Mathias, Loraine, and Quilt stood around the coffee table in the warm living room. Lou sat in the dining area afar as Quilt continued in response to my question.
“It’s quite literal. A dark fog has shifted across the hells. I was roaming around in the hopes of finding Yuriel. I’ve seen it myself. Experienced it. It felt sinister.”
“It could just be bad weather,” Claude rolled his eyes, “It’s quite normal over there.”
The boy shook his head vigorously, “It isn’t bad weather, I promise you it’s something else entirely and I don’t quite understand it. Whatever it is, it’s evil.”
Claude scoffed, “That’s the point of a hell, isn’t it? It’s not flowers and rainbow sorry to say.”
“He might be right,” Mathias frowned in agreement with Quilt, “I get a sense that something isn’t quite right.”
Loraine nodded in worry, “As do I.”
“Do you think it’s connected to what took Yuri?” I asked, searching each of their faces.
“We’ll look into it.” Mathias stated. “I’ll go.”
“Mathias!” Loraine voiced in horror as Claude shot him a cautionary glare. He spoke in a low, careful tone to the God before him, “You know if a Saint steps on Hells soil without proper documentation it is considered treason.”
“I am aware, but I will take any risk if it means finding my brother.”
A sudden chill ran across my body and I quietly excused myself. It was as if I was stuck in a freezer and there was no light or warmth nearby. These chills were getting more and more prominent as the day had been channeling by. I looked at Lou as she sat silently at the table, staring into the wood, and somehow, she seemed more alive than me.
“Ana?” Loraine called out softly to me as she entered the room, “Are you all right?”
“Y-yes.” I lied.
She looked at me with the reflection of heartbreak upon her face, “Tell me what’s wrong. Unburden your heart to me.”
The tears began swelling in my eyes almost automatically. And I tried to keep it in. All these emotions I was experiencing, so suddenly, all at once- I was trying so very hard to keep myself together but I – I couldn’t explain what was happening to me right now. I never had this. I never had this sort of feminine love before me in my life. My mother never cared to give this to me, nor my aunt, and certainly not my cousin.
“I feel…”
I choked on my words as she held my hand tightly, comforting me to continue.
“I feel so cold. Like… I’m empty and lost right now. I’ve never felt this way before about anything or anyone.”
“It could be part of your bond with Yuriel. Not knowing where he is could have you feeling rather restless.” She explained, gently squeezing my arm.
“But I’m not-” I paused, unsure how to describe this, “I don’t feel him. I used to, and now I just… don’t. He feels far. Far away right now.”
Loraine inhaled a slow, shallow breath as I explained myself.
“I need to lie down right now. I don’t feel so well.”
I didn’t wait for her to react. Instead, I quickly collected my thoughts and walked towards my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I draped myself halfway across the bed as my heart clenched at the spiraling thoughts of this endless distance I was experiencing.
“Yuri,” I whispered softly in a prayer as I tightened my palm over his gemstone which hung around my neck, “Please.”
A dark slumber consumed me. But it was unpleasant and short-lived. An icy chill ran up my spine as I shot up with a shiver, sweating profusely. I groaned in discomfort. My heart palpitated out of its ordinary beats, and my body shuddered as I walked to the washroom. Splashing the water over my face, I stared at the blankness of my reflection. It was as if my expression was numb whilst my body thought itself as both fire and ice. Something was wrong with me. This chill was taking over my body and I could do nothing but fall to the floor, folding myself in half in an attempt to feel whatever warmth I could conjure.
Forcefully, I pushed myself up and headed to the bed where I grabbed the thick blanket and wrapped it around me. A sick nauseating feeling followed as I sucked in a hearty breath. I’d never felt this cold before. It was torturous. I shifted at the foot of the floor of the bed when a sudden, brief, warmth drifted across me. Scrambling myself up, I attempted to follow the strange warmth.
As I walked towards the full-body mirror, the comforting warmth intensified as the room chilled. I craved this warmth so much. I would have done anything for it right now. Pressing my palms against the glass of the mirror I sighed as the heat licked my naked skin before it. Closing my eyes for a minute, I sighed in relief. A sudden force pushed against my lower back, causing me to fall onto the glass. Or rather, into.
My left cheek hit against thick, white, snow. Scraping myself up using my elbows and knees, I shuddered from the place before me. Where was I? I turned, to find no mirror behind me, only a blanket of snow, covering acres of land. I was clearly not in my room anymore. As I looked toward me, I noticed a forest in the distance where the snow seemed to dissolve before it. How strange. Squinting my eyes, I observed a small light through the rustling chilly leaves. The sky above me was a smokey, grey, overcast sheet. I wasn’t sure whether it was sunrise or sunset or something entirely out of my understanding. It was a collision of darkness and light that seeped through the grey clouds. I pushed forwards, trying to ignore the icy bites upon my skin. Thin, icy streaks of air danced around me as I neared the woody forest. The chill subsided a bit as the naked soles of my feet hit damp, prickly grass.
Through the woods, I walked, following the light I was seeing at the other end. I broke through some branched and ignored the pain aching at my feet. There, as I followed, the warmness caressed me again, calling to me, leading me forward. If I was sure of anything in my life, I was certain that I was in the right direction. I walked and walked and I didn’t care if beneath my feet was bleeding at this point. Whatever was beyond these woods, I had to be there. My dark hair fell across my eyes as I stared beyond.
From a distance, sat a little wooden cabin where the light came from. Just on top of a neatly sloped hill where patches of snow licked and covered. I ached toward it. Just a little closer I attempted. The air warmed as I neared, regardless of the snow. I was convinced that this place did not exactly work as I would think a normal place would. Truthfully, I wasn’t even sure where I was.
My breath froze as did my feet when the faint image before me cleared. In the short distance, there he stood. His silver-like hair tousled ever so slightly in the wind as his snow-coloured shirt fluttered with the soft kisses of the air. His eyes were closed as if he was chanting a prayer or a spell, yet two cuffs glowed around each of his wrists.
“Yuri.” I breathed.
I ran towards him. I didn’t care about the numbness or coldness or pain I was previously feeling. All I wanted at this moment was to reach toward him. Reaching towards the warmth.
The roof was wetter than she was tonight. Heavy raindrops pounded on, turning into a storm of desire and frustration. He was gone longer than she’d expected. Not a single call. The past few days with these unwanted guests in her house made her uneasy to say the least. Yet, wanted by her husband. Who the hell told him he could make a decision like that without her? God, he frustrated the shit out of her. God, did she love him anyway.
Elizabeth twirled her wedding ring around her delicate finger and shifted restlessly on the empty bed. The feeling of loneliness crept up between her legs. She shifted again. The nerve that man had to leave her here like this for days. She was thirsty. Really thirsty. The bottles at the bedside table had all been drained from earlier today. She hated cramps with a passion. She hated when he wasn’t around her when she felt like this.
Deciding to refill the water mug, she pushed herself off the bed and threw over a white shirt of her husband’s. This was the closest she felt to him in days, somehow it warmed her heart. Brushing her fingertips over the assortment of his cologne, she opted for her favourite. Musky. Dark. Sensual. Charming. Everything she’d describe Sebastian Lockwick to be.
The lights of the hall had been buried in darkness, yet the moonlight fought through the windows which luminated the moon-crest sloped staircase. The warm soles of her feet licked the icy marble beneath her as she made her way into the kitchen. Her eyes burned from the lack of sleep and worry. Men.
The sound of the ice maker suddenly startled her, causing her to spill the water she was pouring into a glass. “Shit.” As she pressed the rim of the glass to her lips, the sound of a hushed door closing grasped her attention. 11:55pm. Who could have been down here so late? Was someone breaking in? Surely, she could have handled the situation herself. Grabbing a hold on the nearest knife at the counter, she carefully trailed towards the sound.
A blanket of silence fell upon her at the sight of her husband drenched in blood, white shirt now wine, the tang of metallic red sin caressed her nose, his hair soaked in thick salted sweat and blood that slicked to his forehead. His eyes, however, reflected from the moonlight in its majestic silver blue. Elizabeth frowned deeply as he stalked towards her and stood inches apart.
“Well, you’re bloody late.” She broke the silence, annoyed.
Sebastian gave out a low chuckle, astonished at his wife’s dry humor, “A pun? Really?”
“How dare you leave me here like this,” she softly raged, bringing the knife up to his throat, “How fking dare you.”
“Love,” he cooed into her left ear, and pulled her tenderly by the waist, clasping the spaces between them. “I missed you too.”
“Are you forgetting the knife in my hand, Sebastian?” She warned.
“Go ahead, stab me.”
Sighing, she dropped it and wrapped her arms around his red moist neck. Swiftly, scooping her into his arms and perching her upon the kitchen’s island. “I should get cleaned up,” he suggested, “I don’t want you getting ill.”
“No, no. I’m not waiting anymore,” Elizabeth breathed shortly, locked her legs around him. Pressing her lips onto his, she’d slip her tongue in through smiles. He tasted like blood and vodka. Whose blood was this? She hadn’t even known. His hands travelled along her naked legs, as she moaned into him. Up. Up. Pulling away slightly, she kept an arm’s length, breathed, and slapped him across the face.
“You’re upset. I shouldn’t have left like that. I know. Things got… complicated.” He motioned to his drenched attire.
If you love mystery, dark romance, unhinged/ morally grey characters, crazy unpredictable plot twists, Gillian Flynn sort of novels with romance in it, then I think you will LOVE ‘Ophelia’. I actually cried writing it because I love one of the male love interest so damn much and -well- it’s a lot to explain. And I genuinely believe you will enjoy the crazy ride of that storyline! You just read the prologue, here’s the completed story!
Have you finished reading OPHELIA? Do leave a comment here and let me know your feedback! I’m dying to know what you thought of it!
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Enjoying this book? Be sure to also take a peek at my other completed novels as well:
Click the link below to Read:
Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo
The Saint Have Fallen by Celine Mahadeo
The Saints Have Fallen Trailer Blurb:

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This is so good!! I wonder how he’s going to react, and who is he with?! Glad you’re back, and I hope you stay well.
Anna dd it. She has reached Yuri baby 💞
Nice story, i hope you ll upate soon. ❤️
Please update soon🥺🥺
I will ❤️