Fatal Alliances: Chapter 29

Looking at the folder in my hand after my father left, I contemplated on this again. Was I really going to do this? Didn’t I need Adrian? What about the partnership? No, he needed me for that. Even if he hated me, he would still want me to sign off my part. But, what if I didn’t want him to loathe me? No, why should I care? He’s nothing to me, he doesn’t see me as anything but dead weight. After I sign my part off, he would probably just toss me away like garbage, so, I shouldn’t feel upset about anything. And besides, dad was right, he had so much money anyway. Such a problem would be something minor to Vandermir. I should be happy that my dad came back. He offered us happiness, a chance, and a new hope.

I can’t lose him again. I have to do this for my sisters, for their happiness.

Arriving at the hotel, I felt my breath becoming short. The night sky seemed darker than usual, the moon was a small white dot while no stars made an appearance. It was colder than any other night I’d experienced before, almost like ice daggers piercing through every inch of my body. Or maybe this was my nervousness? Am I really going to do this? Can I do this? I made up my mind. All I have to do is get Adrian to sign this and get out. That’s it. Simple as that, that’s all. With every step I took towards his room, I felt immensely dizzy. No, I can do this, just act natural. Standing in front of his apartment, I gave a small knock on the half-opened entrance.

“Adrian?” I called, nervously.

As he stepped out of his office room, I never thought I’d see him looking like that. He seemed flustered and tired, it was an image of him that I never thought was possible. His tie hung around his collar, undone, while he was quickly doing the last of his buttons and fixing his shirt cuffs. His hair on the other hand was neatly combed, yet still held its messy flair.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were going out, we could talk tomorrow.” I said, about to leave the room.

“No. Wait.” He stopped me.


“You came to tell me something, didn’t you? Then talk.”

“Well actually… umm… this is for you.” My heart seemed to stop as I placed the folder on the table, “A man named Robert sent it for you to sign. I think it’s about some hotel ownership.”

I hated this. I hated lying like this. I hated doing this to him. God, help me. But… I have to do this, I have to.

“Oh, right.” Adrian stated as if he remembered something, “Is he downstairs?”


“Is he downstairs?” He asked again, looking towards me.

Looking away from him, I bit my lip, “He- no. Someone sent it. Sasha- the receptionist was about to bring it up for you, but since I was on my way up here…I- I offered.”

“How nice.” He smirked.

No… I’m not.

“I’ll sign it and you’ll carry it back down for me. Whoever dropped it off would collect it back from there.” He continued, as I nodded slightly.

Maybe I should just calm down now. I did the hardest part already, I had nothing else to do except collect the signed folder and leave. That was it. From a distance, I saw a familiar-looking walking stick. Was this the same one that I used in Tokyo to smack the girl who worked for Takumi? I held it in my hand when I heard Adrian chuckle.

“Donnie told me what you did with that. I always knew you to be the crazy type, Greene.”

“He kept it?” I asked, a bit startled.

“For you, he said it would be handy.”

“Maybe it would.” I smiled, pointing it out towards him, trying to get back to my normal self. The last thing I wanted was Vandermir suspecting me of being out of character.

He suddenly held it and jerked me towards him with its curved end. I didn’t expect him to do that, but then again, this was Adrian Vandermir, expect anything with this man. We were so close to each other. He glued me tighter to him keeping his hand on the small of my back. It almost seemed as if his hand was burning through my top as to how hot he seemed to be.

“Adrian…” I breathed, as I inhaled the intoxicating scent of his rich cologne.

Absorbing me with his heated grey eyes, he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, “It took me a while, but I finally figured you out.”

“W- What?” I quivered nervously, afraid he knew about what my dad asked me to do.

“You’re a first,” he began as I furrowed my eyebrows, “You’re the first woman I’ve met that- no- not woman, you’re no woman yet.”

Stopping, he curved his lips wickedly as his eyes devoured me for a moment. I slightly tried to get away from him, but he held me bolted to him.

“Are you trying to run away from me, Miss Greene? Do I scare you?” He chuckled.

“N-no it’s not that… I just… you were busy before.” I awkwardly stated.

“That was before. I swear Juliet, you have a more colourful personality than any person I’ve ever met before.”

Did… did he just call me by my first name? It was odd hearing it from him. I didn’t know why, but I got goosebumps when he said it.

“Colourful?” I tensely asked.

“You’re different. You hold on to your values and morals. Integrity is everything to you, yet people don’t see that since you put on the tough and careless girl image.” His lips held a sly smile as continued, “You try to be unmoved and that helps you get along life. But what I find really interesting, is your flaw.”

“My what?”

“Your weakness. You went through life, yet never bothered to learn about one little lesson…”

What was he talking about?

Men. Admit it, Greene, you have no idea about us. You kept yourself away from them. You kept them away. You’re inexperienced, innocent.” His voice was dripping with what seemed to be interest, curiosity, and somewhat sin.

He was right, I do admit it. I never thought Vandermir, out of all people, could figure that out though. I never thought he had time to even look at me, much less analyze me. He was right, yet I had my own reasons. I didn’t want to have anything to do with them because I didn’t want to put myself in a situation that could complicate my life even more. I was perfectly ‘happy’ by myself. I didn’t need any man deciding how I should feel.

“I think they must be mentally challenged though,” Adrian continued, gazing fixedly at me as he grazed his thumb finger over my bottom lip, “You’re insanely beautiful. How could they not go after you?”

I trembled at his sudden touch. God, I knew I was blushing, I could feel how heated my cheeks were becoming, it actually burned. My blood felt hot and thick, rushing violently through my burning veins. I never felt this way before, I never experienced this sensation ever in my entire life. Somehow, I reveled in this type of foreign pleasure. I had no idea how he could even make me feel this way. Adrian seemed to like the effect he had on me as well and hence held a smug smile on his face.

“W-weren’t you late for something?” I asked, trying to change the topic as I slowly tied his tie. I hadn’t meant to do it slowly, it’s just that I didn’t realize how nervous I had suddenly become around him.

My hands gently slid down his smooth, grey striped tie, stopping just below the bottom. Glancing back up at him, I instantly regretted it. He was devilishly handsome, I hadn’t even noticed how chiseled his jawline was. His face seemed to be getting closer to me, I couldn’t pull away. I didn’t want to. It seemed surreal as I felt his lips brush against mine. No, it wasn’t as cold as I thought it was. His lips were surprisingly hot, they burned on mine as I slightly intertwined my fingers in his soft hair. That once gentle kiss he started with, moved to become deeper, edgier, and uncontrollable. I felt myself sway in his arms but he kept a hold on me. His body was hot. Suddenly, I didn’t feel cold anymore. I felt like I could stay like this forever. Snaking my arms around his neck, he increased the levels at which he kissed me by each second, sending ripples of shock through me. I couldn’t breathe, pulling away from him a bit, I was left with heavy gasps coming from me.

Leave it to Adrian to be inconsiderate, he had ignored my silent plea to let me breathe. He was going to kill me and I was going to let him. Dominating my lips again, he pinned me to the wall. His lips started to bruise mine, it was painful but in a good kind of way. As his lips trailed down my neck, I felt was the most exhilarating sensation I’ve ever experienced. I didn’t want him to stop, I didn’t want him to let go of me. And he didn’t. Bringing back his lips to mine, he pulled me off the wall, intensifying the kiss, if that was even possible. Slowly sitting himself down on the sofa, guiding me with him, he skilfully pinned me down with both arms caging me in.

“And just when I thought I had you all figured out, Miss Greene.” He whispered, with a wicked curve on the edge of his lips.

Suddenly, his phone began to ring.

“You should get that,” I stated softly, releasing my clutch on his shirt. Looking at me for one more intense second with his scorching grey eyes, he finally got off and answered it.

‘Mr. Tatum, I’ve been expecting your call. Postpone the meeting for an hour, I’ll be a little late, stuck in traffic… oh, How were the sales for the last three months?… Good… Sure… Yes, include those stocks… And what about the creditors?… I see…’

Sitting upright, I noticed how he trailed on when in his office room.

What the hell just happened?

No, no that didn’t just happen. I was probably dreaming. Yeah, this wasn’t real. Was it? Cupping my palms to my face, I took a slow silent breath. It was real, but so was the fact that I came here to get the papers signed. So was the fact that I was here to actually ruin him. No, what was I doing? I couldn’t do that to him, he was the only one. He was the only one that I know would never leave me right now. He needed me as much as I needed him, even though it was just until I signed my part off of the partnership. At least I can be happy at the moment and enjoy the fact that he couldn’t leave me. I felt so sick with myself, was I really going to do this to him? Was I really going to ruin him like that? Walking towards the table, I picked up the folder. Vandermir talked about my values, morals, and integrity. No one knew that about me. No one knew what I stood for, yet did I even abide by that? Was I taking away something that Adrian worked years for, to build part of my integrity? The sad truth is that I didn’t even know myself, seeing my father again made everything so difficult, so vague, yet Vandermir seemed to make everything clearer. It made me so damn sick. I was disgusted with myself. What I was going to do wasn’t even near right, I couldn’t do this to him. I couldn’t.

“Oh I forgot about that,” He said, as he came out the room and noticed me with the folder, “Give it.”


“Give me the folder, Greene.”

With every step he took towards me, I felt myself become weaker, limp. Clenching onto the folder, I staggered back a bit. I couldn’t hold back what I was feeling, my eyes damped. This was too hard.

“No. I… I can’t… It’s- I’m a horrible person, Adrian. I’m sorry- I – I just didn’t know what to do. Don’t sign it.” I began sobbing, “This- he- he said it would be better. But… it’s just too hard. I’m so sorry, I’m an awful person. I’m sorry.”

By this time, I knew I was a pathetic sight, my tears seemed to burn down my cheeks. My own heart felt like it was thumping around daggers. I felt so revolted with myself. He’ll never forgive me, he’ll hate me. I hadn’t expected it but, he gave a low icy chuckle looking at me. His face seemed to hold that sinful smirk of his, yet his eyes burned with what looked like a maddening fury.

“Did you really think,” He began, tilting my head up to meet his cold iron gaze, “That I wouldn’t know what you were doing?”

My body stiffened as a tear trickled on his finger. He looked at it with curiosity.

“I wonder whether I should pity you or wipe your tears away.”

“I…” my voice grazed achingly in my throat.

“I knew your father was planning to do this some time to me, under Robert’s name, but I hadn’t expected him to use you for that.”

Before I could open my mouth to speak again, he tugged me towards him, aggressively.

His voice was hot and intense, it shocked me, “I never knew you could be so wicked; a vile little wretch.”

I tried shrugging away from him but, he held my wrist firmly, keeping me back, “I could be wrong Greene, you could be like the rest of the women I’ve already met, materialistic and immoral.”

His eyes were distinct with anger, he hated me more than ever right now. Just what I feared. His words pierced through me, gutting my heart out. I couldn’t speak, no words passed through my lips. I felt numb, drained, and tortured. I wanted to say something, to make him understand, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t say anything.

I slipped my wrist away from him as I took a step back. I’d never felt this insulted or this uneasy before. He didn’t know me, so how could he say that to me?

“You don’t know me, Mr. Vandermir.” I managed to speak softly, “You have no right to judge.”

“I judge a person from their actions, Ms. Greene. Yours are quite disgusting, actually.”

“Stop it!” I pleaded, feeling a wave of overwhelming anger inside me, mixed with pain.

Adrian grimly glared at me as I spoke.

“You’re the last person to be preaching! You’re no saint either, so how dare you even say that! When you left me, in the speakeasy, when you betrayed me, I said bloody nothing to you after! I tried to forgive you, Adrian! I tried to forget it! Do you even know what they did to me in there? You left me, you bloody bastard!”

“I needed to buy some time, Greene and I hadn’t asked you to do what you did.”

“You’re saying I deserved it?”

“I’m saying, I needed you to trust me.”

“Trust,” I said, with a sob.

Adrian’s face turned to the most antagonistic expression, “You clearly don’t know whose side you’re on.”

As he walked towards me, I cautiously stepped back, “I honestly can’t believe you would have done this to me, Ms. Greene.”

My heart was hammering fatally fast. Adrian suddenly sandwiched me against the wall, locking my both wrists above my head with his left hand. He pushed his free hand through the side of my hair and tenderly caressed my face with his thumb. I knew he could have felt me trembling under him. He knew I was scared.

“Adrian…” I breathed, shutting my eyes unsure of what he was thinking.

“Do you have any idea of the things I could do to you, Miss Greene?” his voice dripped with seduction and menace, “I could have you killed, ruined, or put you in a suffering state. But I won’t.”

His breath was hot and electrifying on my neck. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he was too damn strong.

“Please…” I gasped, suddenly unsure whether if it was a plea for him to stop or continue. Honestly, I hated the effect he had on me. I hated that I loved every second of it. He slightly pulled away to lock eyes with me.

“I’m not sure how I feel about you begging me,” he smothered, “Although I must admit, you’re the prettiest little backstabbing bitch I’ve ever come across.”

When he said that, I felt intense guilt wash over me. Backstabber. I was probably worse than that. I felt the tears staining my face again, my vision was all blurry. Oh, God. What was I doing? I felt so confused and lost. The only person I have in my life right now hates me. Even though he left me in that place, he did come back for me. He could have really left me, but he didn’t. I was the backstabber and he wasn’t. Adrian looked at me with so much detest, it was overwhelming, least to say.

I shouldn’t have done this. I should’ve walked away and kicked my father out of the house the moment I saw him. It was my fault, I listened to him. I let him get to me. It was wrong of me to do this to Adrian. He loosened his hold on me as I pulled away. I felt like the world was flipping over, I couldn’t even speak. I felt so ashamed of myself.

It was just too much for me right now. I went out the door sobbing. It hurt so much, it was a new kind of pain I was experiencing. I didn’t quite know how to explain it.

Everything around me looked fuzzy, my head ached. I felt heavy, almost as if I had the entire world on my shoulders. I walked as far as I could away from there, away from the hotel, away from him. Sitting on one of the benches in the open park, I cried like I never did before. God, I hated all this crying. It seemed pathetic, but I couldn’t help myself. How could he say that to me? I wasn’t materialistic, was I? Was I immoral? Oh God, why do I feel like this? Why does it hurt so much? And why did he have to kiss me? That was uncalled for. He didn’t have to make me feel that way. Feel like I needed him more than I actually do, more than anything else in the world. And then crushing me after? What kind of a man was he? I hate him, I hate him so much. Or maybe I hated myself. I was the reason for this mess. I was the one that was going to ruin him, it’s my fault. The only person I should be mad at is myself. I made a choice, me.

Embracing my hands around my legs, I buried my face on my knees, bitterly sobbing. It’s like no matter where I go or who I turn to, everyone is finding flaws in me. Was I as selfish as my father said I was? Am I selfish for not getting Adrian’s signature on the papers that would bring back happiness in my family’s lives, even though I could ruin him, or was I materialistic or immoral for even thinking about something like that, something that could destroy someone’s career even if it would be by just a little? Maybe I’m all of those, maybe I’m worse. Time passed as I inwardly conflicted myself with these matters. My life is therefore screwed.

“You cry way too much, Greene,” I heard Adrian’s velvety voice melt through the air.

Great, now I’m hearing him.

Forcefully raising my head up, I saw Vandermir leaning on the fence at the side observing me. Wait, was he really here? No, why would he come here anyway? He moved calmly towards me as I got up. He was here. Standing inches away from me, he studied my wrecked self.

With a sigh, he touched my face, gently brushing away the physical evidence of my pain, “You don’t look very nice like this.”

As he did that, I took a step back. Honestly, I wasn’t sure how to feel right now. I had very mixed emotions. I wasn’t sure whether I should be mad at him for using me like that and for playing with my emotions. It may not have been a big deal for him, but it was for me. He wouldn’t understand how important that was for me, I stayed away from so many guys my whole life, just to have Adrian Vandermir ruin it for me, even if it was just a kiss. He made a joke out of it, he faked the whole thing. And for what, revenge? Did he want to prove a point to me by taking advantage of me? That was so sick of him. But then again, wasn’t I the one that was going to deceive him in the first place? He had every right to be mad at me, to detest me more than he ever could. I was the bad guy. I was wrong. And what’s with him now anyway? Was he bipolar or something? I mean, wasn’t he just crazy mad at me? Why was he being decent with me right now? Is he drunk? What’s going on in his head?

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