The Saints Have Fallen is a YA Dark Romance Fantasy Novel written by Celine Mahadeo.
Novel. Fiction. Genre (Dark Romance Fantasy).
By Celine Mahadeo.
After being stripped of his title as a God and turned into a demon in the presence of his brother, Yuri was banished to earth to live amongst the humans whom he hates. 200 years later, a young girl shows up at his doorstep holding both his life and death in her hands whilst not having any idea of the power in which she possesses.
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PS: I changed Ana’s cousin’s (Claudia) name to Isabelle I found the same too similar to Claude’s whilst I was editing.
My heart skipped too many beats and sunk to the pit of my stomach. “Aunt Edna?” I whispered softly to myself. It wasn’t that I hated my aunt. I treated her with respect but she wasn’t the easiest person to be around. She criticized everything about me. What I wore, what I ate, how I stood, how I spoke, compared me to her daughter Isabelle who she considered better than me and perfect in all ways. Isabelle was indeed a beautiful girl I admit. However, no matter what good I did or tried to do I was always flawed to her, broken, wrong. Nothing I did was ever right.
“Why are they here?” Yuri asked with pure disdain stained upon his face. He threw his billowy white shirt over his head and tucked it into his trouser, keeping his features tight and severe.
“I- I don’t know,” I answered honestly as I noticed the darkening sky outside the window. The darkness seemed gloomier than usual. How did they find me? I hadn’t told them where I was headed when I left. And I did so intentionally. However, I’m not surprised that my aunt got a hold of my location. She always made it her duty to know everything.
“They don’t have to be here,” Yuri addressed me, perhaps noticing my weary expression.
“It’s fine.” Was it? I forced a smile. My anxiety flared inside me as I hurried out the door. It was a force of habit. Always be on time or else. I recalled my aunt’s specific words from my childhood. Just down the flight of stairs, I noticed my aunt’s tightly pulled-back hair. My breathing hitched. Yuri’s hand slipped around my waist and steadied me as I missed a step.
“You’re running,” he frowned, displeased at my fidgeting. No. Not me. Not my anxiety. He was displeased about something else. At least that’s what I understood from his expression.
“My darling niece!” her voice pierced into the air. “Oh, how I’ve missed you so.” She grabbed me into an awkward embrace as Isabelle stood aside, fixing the locks of her hair, whilst intentionally showing the ring on her finger. Her eyes shot up and drank in the gloomy fallen God who stood firmly at my side. I couldn’t help but feel a tang of something sour stir within me as she did so. Aunt Edna’s eyes followed her daughter’s gaze and a bright smile plastered itself over her face.
Before she could have started her sentence, I interrupted and introduced them. Claude had now only entered the room and exchanged a mirrored expression with Yuri. What was wrong with them? Did they know something I didn’t?
“My little Ana never had friends growing up. She wasn’t too fascinating to gain the other children’s attention.” My aunt started. There she was. There was the cold, unfeeling bitch I always knew.
“I beg to differ,” Yuri stated coldly before walking away, “I find her unbearably fascinating.”
Did he just…? My lips parted but it was Claude who filled the gap of silence with a chuckle. “Little dove,” he began, “Would you like me to show your guests around? I promise I won’t eat them.” He said the last part as a joke knowing fully well that he could possibly eat them. The sudden thought of a demon’s diet entered my mind. What do demons like him eat anyway? And would I have been okay if he did have a feast with my deary old aunt? She was quite meaty after all. Probably from all my share of food she deprived me off in the past.
“Yes!” Isabelle blurted, nodding to his offer, and throwing a hand out to him. She clearly found Claude attractive. So attractive her eagerness made her seem to forget she was engaged. Had Isabelle ever cared about who she hurt though? The truth was that she did not care, and infidelity was no stranger to her. She always got away with it so flawlessly. It was an addiction to her. That rush of deceit.
As much as my anxiety was flickering, I was able to tame it. I watched as Claude showed my aunt and Isabelle around whilst they were outside. Yuri neared me where I stood before the window-frame, his gaze followed my aunt as she paced herself haughtily.
“They don’t have to stay if you don’t wish them to,” he said softly.
I wanted to agree with him and rebuke their presence, but my guilt would be too strong and I’d feel like too much a horrid person. “No,” I managed, “We can host them. If you don’t mind either.”
He hadn’t responded, only gave a subtle nod. Although, his facial features seemed against the idea. Perhaps I was overthinking, I often did that in the presence of my aunt. Oh how I wanted to get away from her, and here I am, feeling like that scared, powerless little child again. Letting out a pent-up sigh, I moved away from the window.
The scent of garlic, lemon, and an assortment of herbs coming from the kitchen all danced into my nostrils. Lou quickly presented herself at the door, just as Claude had returned with our two guests. “Dinner,” she announced, “-for everyone will be served shortly.”
I bite my lips as my stomach growled back at me. I’d do anything to just grab my plate of food and head to my room, eating it there. The last thing I wanted was to have small talk with my aunt and cousin. Those usually never end went. I had expected Yuri and Claude to leave but instead, they also headed to the dining area.
“You shouldn’t have deprived yourself of eating because of me,” Yuri stated softly as he pulled out a chair for me, “I can regenerate back to my usual stealth. You humans are different.”
“And are you better now? Truly?” I asked as I took the seat and he sat next to me.
“My internal wounds are still in its healing process. But I shall be back to my full health soon enough.”
“Good,” I smiled.
Aunt Edna’s abrupt voice pierced into the air like a shrill, “My dearest Ana, how on earth did you end up here? Isabelle and I were so worried when we couldn’t get onto you after your grandfather’s death.”
“I- I didn’t think you’d care where I am,” I answered honestly as I popped a tiny piece of chicken and potato into my mouth and chewed stiffly. The food itself was tender, however, the conversation was not. My aunt went on and on about the most irrelevant details of her life and Isabelle interjected ever so often to speak of herself and flutter her eyelashes towards both Yuri and Claude. It almost made me wonder, why were they really here? Not once during dinner had she mentioned grandfather’s will. A topic that was a heated discussion at his funeral. Dare I say, she wasn’t even that terrible towards me as she usually would be today. Had she truly changed her ways? Isabelle remained as her usual pompous, self-centered self. However, Aunt Edna, her mannerisms tonight were quite contrasted with her usual persona. There were many times though that I wished we all had a better relationship. Especially one with my cousin. I never had a sibling, I never had a sister. When I was younger, I always hoped that we could have treated each other as. But everything always felt like a competition between us. The truth was, the older Isabelle got as we grew together, she hated me just as much as her mother did.
I lay in bed, replaying the bizarre dinner. Claude did most of the talking, but I think it’s because he liked hearing the sound of his own voice. Nonetheless, I was grateful for the demon and his unconventional ways. According to my cousin, they would be taking the early train in the morning. Yuri offered them a stay during the night. He was quite hospitable now that I thought about it. It was much more of an improvement from my meeting with him when he left me out on the cold rainy porch of his house.
I shifted tiredly on the bed, yet a restlessness hung over me. Sleep was a fleeting thing but I was trying my best. The loose pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof eased me into a faint slumber. A chill crawled up my spine and I unexpectedly felt like I was drenched in water. I gasped, shooting myself up from the bed. Only, it wasn’t. I was in an actual puddle of water, pushing myself out of it. Thick mud edged between the spaces of my finger as I crawled out. The familiar rustling of tree leaves overhead tickled into my ears. I was in a forest again. Looking above, the stars glistened through the parting leaves and branches. I exhaled the icy air as Murvista appeared before me. Startled, I drew myself back.
“You have been neglecting the book child.” A look of disapproval was plastered onto her face, “Why?”
“Murvista,” I breathed as I recollected my scattered thoughts from the muddy floor.
“The book is meant to help and guide you.”
“The book has been doing nothing but hurting people!” I firmed, “Every time I used it, it only made things worse. And quite frankly confused me even further.”
“Child,” Murvista sighed, “Magic always has its consequences if you don’t be its master, its wielder. Do not depend on it, use it. Or else it uses you.”
“I only want answers, Murvista. Simple. Nothing complicated. I shouldn’t have to be going on some trippy magical quest that almost kills people to figure out why the hell my grandfather sent me here. What’s my purpose here anyway? Why can’t you just tell me? Because you already seem to know. It’s so simple.”
Her frown deepened and aged lines grew tiredly upon her face. “It isn’t. If it were so simple I will tell you child but I am bound by my duties and how much I can say. I am afraid now is the beginning of the end. There is a darkness coming, it is swift and sly. Do not deter from your path. What will happen must happen. You cannot save them all, but you will grow stronger with time and aide those deserving.”
“Save who?” I pushed.
“Go now child, death has already claimed you. Use the book, it is there to guide you, it is not your enemy.”
“Murvista-” I protested to stay, but her magic was already pushing me away.
“The gates have already opened. He’s coming.”
“Who’s he?” I shot up from my bed hanging from the question mark of my sentence. There it was. The book sat snugly at the edge of my bed hymning my name softly. What does it want me to see so badly?
I groaned, pushing away the added questions I had after my interaction with the Silver Sorceress. With a deep sigh, I opened the book. My eyebrows knitted, perplexed by the image before me. A sketch of my aunt Edna stared right back at me. She had an object in her hand, hidden behind her back. How odd. Why was the book showing her to me? A sudden dryness ached at the base of my throat. I coughed but it only got worse. Reaching for the water at the bedside table, it toppled over, spilling every drop on the floor. Somehow, it didn’t seem very natural. My muscles tensed and I bit the dried skin on my lips off until I tasted the tang of metallic blood through my teeth. I needed water. Badly. Grabbing the empty glass, I also reached for the dagger beneath my pillow that Yuri had given me. I had been keeping the dagger on me at all times. It did somehow give me a sense of comfort and for once in my life I didn’t feel entirely defenseless.
Nails clawed on the walls of my throat. The urgency for water ached within me. I hurried out of the room when the shadow of my aunt turned the corner. Where was she headed? That hall only led to Yuri’s room. I snapped my head to the clock on the wall. 3:23am. Something was certainly not right. A vibrational wave echoed throughout the space. I shuddered. What was that? Following her, I called, “Aunt Edna?” She hadn’t heard me. It was as if she didn’t hear a thing.
The object in her hand glistened as she walked toward his room. An onyx-bladed weapon with a scarlet hilt. A celestial blade. The only weapon to kill a God I recalled Loraine telling me. My aunt was here to kill him. How? Why? Dread flared like wildfire within me.
“Wait!” I shouted towards her as I ran, but my footsteps only took me backward. What kind of magic was this? How was she doing this? She hadn’t turned. She only kept moving forward. Yuri stood on the balcony, completely oblivious to his presence in his room. Why couldn’t he see her?
“Stop!” I shouted. My throat now burning with a thick throbbing ache that choked. My heart clenched and muscles tightened as she neared him. “Yuri!” I screamed. I darted forward with everything inside of me. Heat flushed through my body as my pulse sped and heartbeat pounded. The vibrational barrier broke as I reached forward. Her onyx blade slashed towards his chest but mine found its way into her neck. My stomach plummeted as blood splattered like rain upon my face. Tangy metallic blood seeped into the corner of my lips. Her blood. The croaking and gasping sound echoed into my eardrums as she dropped her weapon. Yuri’s eyes followed her dagger and for a brief moment, surprise flickered in his eyes. I trembled as he steadied me. Parting my lips, I tried to speak but only quivered as he locked his gaze onto mine and placed a hand over mine. The hand that remained on the dagger. He gently pried my hand away from it.
“It’s alright,” he whispered softly, drawing me closer to him. The body slumped to the floor with a thud.
“I- I- killed-” I couldn’t finish my sentence. It remained as a string of uneven words as I breathed into his chest in short heavy flusters.
“Ana,” he said my name. It was the first time I’d ever heard him say it. It was gentle and soft as he held me and threaded his fingers into my hair. “It’s alright,” he muttered again like a kiss into my ear. “I’m here.”
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Enjoying this book? Be sure to also take a peek at my other completed novels as well:
Click the link below to Read:
Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo
The Saint Have Fallen by Celine Mahadeo
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Thanks for the update Author ❣️
What just happened here…….. I’m so excited, this is gold 🫶.
Gosh I’ll go crazy with anticipation.
Hope this book reaches to people out there coz they can’t miss this work. 🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇
Also eagerly waiting for Yuri’s pov
THIS WAS SO GOOD AND I’M CRAVING MORE!!!! I loved this and I’m thinking of leaving this book right now and come back after all the chapters are released lol
Same the updates are so slow . Even though I love this book but waiting for the update is damn annoying .
unfortunately lol
OMG that was amazing and has left me wanting to read more. I absolutely loved that – can’t wait for the next chapter and I hope to read from Yuri’s POV again.