Damned: Chapter 18) Fun

In a swift second, I smashed the mushroom can to his face.

“Fuck!” he hissed staggering a bit back while straightening his nose.

Grabbing the knife at the counter, I pushed him against the refrigerator and pressed it warningly to his throat.

“What the hell do you want?” I seethed angrily.

He looked at me almost surprised and suddenly began to chuckle, “I’m impressed with you baby-face.”

I frowned.

Dmitri abruptly flipped me around and pushed me vigorously against the counter. My stomach hit the edge and ached in pain.

“Ouch, sorry there kiddo.” He laughed and pressed my front on the top of the counter while his hand grazed over my behind.

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed struggling to move but he was too strong.

“What a cute little ass you have.”

“Let go of me!” I tried to kick but yet again it was useless.

Before I could have said another word, I yelped as I felt a sharp sudden slap on my ass.

“So that’s how I shut you up.” he chuckled and did it again.

This time it was worse.

“S-stop!” I screamed as he kept his hand on my behind.

“Oh no, why would I stop?” He leaned in closer to me and whispered softly, “To be honest, I find you too petite to be Oksana’s killer. I’m not supposed to kill you. They don’t want me to.”

I blinked in shock at his words.

“But then again,” he continued with another sharp slap which made me scream and caused my eyes to dampen in pain, “I’m having too much fun.”

Rebecca sudden scream alerted me from the room.

“She’s a screamer, isn’t she?” Dmitri smiled.

I had to get out.

At the side, I grabbed a fork and quickly stabbed him in the arm. He growled, releasing me, and I dashed out of the kitchen when I saw Rebecca. She pushed the room door hard against a man who was after her, and locked him in.


“Kat, Dmitri!”

I spun around and dodged the shirtless man with the bleeding arm. He somehow tripped on the rug as I did that and I couldn’t help from being so thankful for that. Pushing himself up, he growled murderously and I grabbed the frying pan from nearby.

This guy’s going in the oven now.

“Don’t!” I shouted swinging the pan straight between his legs.

“Mess!” I screamed even louder swinging the second shot between him.

“With!” I growled, taking the third shot.

“Me!” I finished and slammed it straight to his face.

“Kat!” Rebecca rushed up to me.

“Die! Die! Die!” I screamed hitting him continuously.

“Katherine, stop! We have to get out of here!” she pulled me away from the now unconscious man. He was alive, just unconscious. Thank God. I think.

I tried to steady my breath as she tried to calm me.

“I’m sure that there’s a man outside the door.” She sighed.

“We have to take that chance, Becca.” I frowned and kept the frying pan in hand.

She nodded and as soon as she opened the door I swung the pan hard against the man’s head as he fell to the ground.

Okay, that was a little too easy.

Do people just knock out like that?

Huh, cartoons do help.

The door to Rebecca’s room suddenly broke open and a strapping man growled at us.

“Gorilla!” I screamed and ran out with Becca.

The worst thing about it was that we were on the new wing of the apartment building and our few neighbours moved out. So basically, we’re screwed.

“Kat, I can’t do this again.” She stopped as we dashed into a corner, secluded from our predators.

“Rebecca, listen to me. We have to get out.”

“The Stetz.” She muttered softly.


“Mr. and Mrs. Stetz- the old couple who moved out.”

 “What about them?”

“Their apartment’s nearby.” She breathed and peeked out to see if the coast was clear, “Come on.”

In a split second, she did that hairclip thing and opened the locked door. Something I could never do. Shutting it and locking it, we flicked the lights onto the empty apartment. I took my phone out but there was still no signal.

“God, we’re going to die.” She frowned and sat on the sofa.

“No. We’re not. We came out of that room alive, didn’t we?”


A silence drifted over us and she spoke again, yet in a regretful tone.

“I’m sorry, Katherine.”


She stood up and walked towards me, “I’m sorry for being a bitch to you. You didn’t deserve that. Kat, it’s just that I was scared when you said you were in a relationship. I was scared that that man would hurt you. I know how it is when you’re left heartbroken. I just- I didn’t think I would have been able to handle seeing you get hurt.”

“Becca.” I breathed feeling my eyes dampen.

“I was horrible towards you, Kathy. I’m sorry.”

“You’re not my best friend Rebecca Banks. You’re like my sister and sisters fight. It’s allowed.” I smiled hugging her as she returned the hug.

“What are we going to do now? We can’t run because it’s a dead-end for this wing of the building. There’s only one way out and those men are probably there. It won’t be long until they break in all the apartments as well if they don’t find us.”

“I know. Just let me think.” I sighed.

I looked around the room and there was honestly nothing that was useful. How the bloody hell were we going to get out then? I felt like I couldn’t think anymore. My blood was slowly thickening like a poison within me and acid seemed to lace through my body in the form of a tremble. I turned to Rebecca who was sitting and chewing her nails nervously on the sofa.

This was definitely the time to bring out the nasty habit. My head was beginning to ache so much and all I was thinking about was how wonderful I slept last night.

We are going to die.

God help me.

I looked up and closed my eyes in frustration, only to open them back to my way out.

A vent.

I stood up in shock and my heart raced a thousand times per second.

“Rebecca!” I caught her attention and pointed to our answer.

She gave a soft happy sob stood from the sofa.

The only problem was that the vent was high up.

“Doesn’t the vent also lead out to the front lobby?” I asked, hopeful that she said yes.

“I believe it does.”

That was good enough.

With a smile, we pushed the sofa closer to reach the vent but it was still too high for us to reach.

“It’s no use.” She frowned.

“Get on my back, you’ll be able to reach it.”

“Are you crazy? I’ll trample you.”

“I’m not as weak as you think.” I scoffed, “Just hop on.”

“And what about you?”

“At least we know one of us would get out alive.”

“Katherine!” she scolded, “Don’t joke like that!”

“Becca, I’m not joking. This is my fight. Not yours. I don’t want you involved with this. The last person I got involved- I regret it every second.”

“Katherine Alaska Donovan, I’m not leaving you. You said it yourself, we’re not best friends. We’re family, and family sticks together.”

“Try and understand Becca, if you get out you can make the call. I’ll be right behind you- I promise.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay, if I get out first I’ll call the police.”

“Are you crazy?” I snapped at her, “You can’t call the police!”

“Katherine what do you mean you can’t call the police. Who the bloody hell are you planning to call?”

With a sigh, I pulled my phone out and checked my call log. Then, I took hers and typed in the number.

“Whose number is this?” she asked.

“Just call it and tell him that his Angel needs him right now.”


“And a bucket of ice-cream. Don’t forget the ice-cream.” I finished.

Thankfully she didn’t ask too many questions again. I helped her get into the vent and she even tried reaching down for me but it was no use.

“Just go, I’ll find a way. I promise.”

“Kat, please just-”

“Trust me, Rebecca.”

With a painful sigh, she turned away.

“No, go. Hurry. I’ll be there.”

Hesitantly, she did as I said. I knew this was hard for her. She was always the one that looked out for me and now it was my turn. It was a different change for her. I looked around the apartment but there was nothing really to aid with the height problem. Everything was basically cleared out of here except the sofa and bed.

I walked to the kitchen to see if there was anything when suddenly I heard a beep from my phone. Looking at it, I noticed a service bar but it quickly disappeared. What the heck? I neared the door and it was turning on and off. Peeking out the window, I made sure the coast was clear and opened the door to walk out. Holding my phone up I got two bars and quickly dialed Vitaly’s number.

“Vit-” I said as I was cut short with sudden pain and everything went black.

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