The Saints Have Fallen is a YA Dark Romance Fantasy Novel written by Celine Mahadeo.

Novel. Fiction. Genre (Dark Romance Fantasy).

By Celine Mahadeo.


After being stripped of his title as a God and turned into a demon in the presence of his brother, Yuri was banished to earth to live amongst the humans whom he hates. 200 years later, a young girl shows up at his doorstep holding both his life and death in her hands whilst not having any idea of the power in which she possesses.

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Chapter 28


I admit it was pretty bold and stupid to talk to him like that after he tricked me and put a dagger to my throat. I sighed against my closed room door. But he needed to understand that treating me like a thing he can speak to and behave rudely with was out of the question. I promised myself, I promised grandpa, that no one will treat me disrespectfully again. And I was keen on keeping that promise. Aunt Edna and Claudia were always rude, but that was the past, this is the present. It didn’t need to repeat itself. Over the years, I’ve learnt that if we let people think it’s okay to walk over you and treat you poorly without standing up for yourself, they’ll make a habit out of it.

I flopped myself onto the bed. Gods, I really did need to take a bath. Quickly, I did so and flopped myself back onto the bed tiredly, letting my damp hair soak into the cotton sheets. My body ached and twisted in soreness from the day’s events. Perhaps I just wasn’t fit as I’d like to believe. So many things played out today, I couldn’t help thinking about the Silver Sorceress and that Shadow Kingdom. I pulled the book from under my pillow and frowned. There was a deep heaviness about it as I flipped through the blank pages. Quite honestly, I didn’t like the feeling. If all I had to do was place my hand on the pages to get my answers, shouldn’t that be simple? Isn’t that what I wanted? When I’d done so previously, thunder rumbled angrily above as if the Gods were upset with me. I wondered, had Mathias even received my letter? Had Quilt found out somehow and thrown it away?

I sucked in the chilled air and played with the hem of my sweater nervously as I stared at the book. No. I won’t be a coward. Flipping to the second page, I placed my hand on it. A crisp nothingness filled the air. Flipping to the next, I did the same. Nothing. I frowned in disappointment. I wasn’t exactly sure what would happen but I didn’t expect it to be absolutely nothing. I turned through page after page, placing my palm flat on each which exerted the same outcome. A laughable nothingness.

Well, this was just wonderful. I scoffed dryly and pushed the book back under my pillow. I was far too tired to allow the disappointment to consume me. Instead, I pulled the thick blanket over me and drifted. Drifted. Drifted

I shifted, feeling the warmth of the sheets hug gently and softly to my curves. This felt so blissful. I could lay here forever. My toes curled into the silks of the bed and- silks? I peeled my eyes opened, forcefully. The sheets were cotton, not silk. As my vision cleared, I studied the unfamiliar ceiling above.

I took a sharp breath, as I shot up. Where was I? I scanned the strange room cautiously as I pulled my legs to my chest. A long satin dress graced my body in its dusty rose-coloured shade. How did?… I flung myself out of the bed, almost falling from the unexpected height. The cold marble floor slapped like violent shivers into the warmth of my feet, sending a chill up my spine. I studied the four-pillar bed. The dark columns rose to the ceiling in an elaborate design and quite in contrast to the virgin-like white of the silken sheets. Its floorboard was midnight black like the pillar’s shade, except it held flecks of gold intertwined. Was that… real gold? My fingers grazed over the gold but my attention soon fell back on the surrounding of the room.

A thick dark rug lay flat before an inviting loveseat. The edges of the ceiling were all exquisitely designed. As if the best architects had worked and blessed this room. Two corners of the room held porcelain sculptures that sat gracefully on high tables. They looked so incredibly breakable so I prevented myself from walking any closer to observe and admire the art.

A loud explosion suddenly alerted me. Snapping my head in its direction, I took in the opened door to a balcony. The soft night breeze chilled over my tender flesh and sheer curtains as I neared the balcony. Before me, three blood-coloured moons hung low and threateningly onto what seemed to be the darkest night sky I’d ever seen. Where was I? An unsettling feeling dropped low and deep within my stomach. A little beyond the distance, fire scorched the air entwined with screams and shouts. Growls echoed through the starless sky mercilessly. Where I stood, felt somehow safe behind the gold and silver railing, but just beyond… just beyond felt a little too much like death.

The door suddenly groaned softly open as I snapped my head in that direction. I blinked with eyes widening as I noted Yuri walk in. His silver hair tousled and licked at the back of his neck. The side of his face was covered with splattered blood. No. Not his. Definitely not his blood. His attire in entirety was a venomous and threatening black with gold serpent-like trimmings. He removed the hidden daggers from his boots and tossed him on the table at the side. His icy spice scent tricked me tauntingly as his lips were stapled into a thin line. In one swift and yet wickedly slow minute, he reached over and pulled his shirt off, over his head. The obsidian gemstone with its silver streak down the middle wicked at me upon his stone-like chest. My throat bobbled, and I felt unable to swallow. A nervous wash painted over me. Did he know I was here? And where was here anyway?

Yuri reached for the button of his black trousers when I panicked. “What are you doing?” I shouted a little too loudly, horrified that he was just about to rip it off him as he did to his shirt. His attention shifted over me almost in a caress. Standing a little straighter, he walked towards me in silence with a cryptic expression. As he neared, it softened.

I blinked. Maybe I imagined that.

“Did you sleep well?” His voice was low and tender.

I parted my lips, perplexed by his tone. He took another step towards me, enclosing the space between us. My eye widened as my stomach did a strange little flip. He was so much taller than I was that I had to look up. His nearness felt warm and almost lovely under the chilly night air. His chest was bare and achingly beautiful, it was tempting to touch. I tried to snap myself out of the peculiar magic I was feeling. It had to be magic. I wouldn’t in my right senses want to touch him like that. No matter if he looked so… so…  

“Keep staring at me like that and it might actually be the death of me.”

What… What did he just say?

He slipped a hand under my chin, tilting my face up to his face whilst his other hand covered mine which lay palm flat on the balustrade. A scorch of heat danced inside of me like wildfire. His long and elegant fingers grazed gently along mine. I let out a gasp as he brought his lips to my neck and planted a trail of three hot kisses along.

“Yuri…” I breathed. Or moaned.

Good Gods, I think I moaned instead.

His violet eyes flickered in intensity as he drank me in with his gaze. It held so much- so much within it. Need and pain and desire all twisted and intertwined as if they knew no limit. The way his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me to him, still and sturdy. I- I liked it. I almost wanted it. Craved it. But I knew it wasn’t for me. It wouldn’t last. These things never do. Everyone and everything is temporary. This wasn’t even real. This was… actually I don’t even know. I was tempted to lean into his chest. To fully feel the warmth of a person’s embrace like this. To experience what it’s like just once. I pushed the thought away.

“You’re troubled,” he observed as he pressed his finger at my wrist, feeling my pulse race.

“Yuri,” I frowned without pulling away, “What is this? Where are we?”

The corner of his lips curved downwards as he arched a brow, studying me. “Are you ill? You know where we are.”

I pulled away and shook my head violently, feeling my annoyance slip out. Was he trying to toy with me? Use his stupid magic to create some illusion to punish me for how I spoke to him earlier. “If this is a game,” I warned, “Or a joke to you. If you’re trying to punish me for how I spoke to you just stop. I’m tired okay. And this is- it’s too much.”

“Punish you?” he muttered to himself softly, closing the space between us, “Why in all the hells would I want to punish you?” His hands cupped my face and fingers fisted softly into my hair. His thumb stroked over the lobe of my ear causing a flush of goosebumps over my skin. “You are tired,” he scowled, “You’re using too much of your magic every day to help those injured. I’d told you; you cannot help them all.”

My magic?

 Yuri interlocked his both hands into mine, puzzling the pieces of our fingers together. A surge of energy suddenly flushed through me. Through our hands. His hand. Into mine. I gasped, pulling away, suddenly feeling rejuvenated.

“The war is coming, and I need you to take care of yourself whilst I’m away. Even if it means limiting those who you aid.”

“The War?”

He parted his lips to speak when a loud screech sliced through the thick night sky. I turned to observe what seemed to be three dragons in the distance, fire scorching from their throats. Yuri chuckled at the sight, “They’re magnificent creatures, aren’t they?” The way he spoke and admired them as if they were nothing but the fluffiest of puppies in his eyes, “Taming them is cruel, the way one would lock a bird in a cage when it’s meant to fly. Or trapping them in the body of a child forever.” He said the last part with a hint of guilt.

“And what are dragons meant to do?” I found myself asking.

His gaze met mine playfully with a soft tilt at the corners of his lips, “To kill.”

I was about to ask about the War he mentioned when a sharp knock on the door jolted me. He was already halfway to the door and throwing his shirt back on by the time I turned. I followed quietly behind when he opened the door to someone I’d hope to never see again. I darted for Yuri’s dagger which was thrown aside in my defense, pointing it violently at him.

“My Lord,” Syn greeted, dressed in partial armor, and shot his eyes distastefully at me. Forced to say his next words and ignore the weapon in my hand, “My Lady.”

I darted my eyes back to Yuri who seemed to enjoy me holding a weapon. He bit in the twitch of a smirk upon his lips and turned back to Syn casually, “What is it?”

Syn held a bag before him and pulled out the head of a man. Of what was. The eyes were all unnaturally green and soulless. Blood leaked from the corners of his lips and the open wound of his neck was leaking heavily upon the marble floor. “The head of a God, as per your request.” He grinned.

I dropped the dagger. Its sound echoed through the room and sliced into my thoughts in painful streaking aches. I staggered back until I felt his palm on the small of my back.

“Must you have brought it here?” His tone was rough and sturdy.

“Forgive me.” He smiled with a little bow, flashing me a quick look of triumph hidden from Yuri’s gaze.

“You,” I turned to the Demon-God himself in disbelief, “You ordered this? That was a God?”

His expression tightened as he studied me. I stumbled away, falling flat. My palms edged onto the dagger I dropped. The pain was drifting over and within me like strands of glass edging slowly and violently into my skin. My chest tightened as I clutched onto it, losing my balance. My head ached and my skin felt as if it was on fire. Something was crawling on my skin. In my blood. I clawed at myself. My senses tightened and darkness surrounded me. The sounds around me began to muffle as I fell into stone-like arms. I clawed and I clawed in a shuddering scream. Thick liquid seeped into my nails and fingers. A heavy pressure in the air was sucking me. Pushing me. Pulling me down. My throat was dry and aching and pained as if thorns were stuck within. Screams were filling the once-empty air. So many screams, as if I was travelling through hell and beyond. So many. Too many. Hot liquid escaped my eyes. And then there was nothing.


I shot up from my bed on the edge of a bitter scream which never escaped.

My bed. Cotton. Earth. Home. In a room that was familiar.

I looked at the time on the clock on the wall. 5am. Was that a… dream? I was asleep. It was just a dream. Relief washed across me. I exhaled to feel the sweat on my forehead and neck. I sighed when I felt a sharp pain in the palm of my right hand.

As I looked down upon it, my heart froze.

Blood leaked from a thin long wound at the center of my palm.

A wound from the dagger.

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Enjoying this book? Be sure to also take a peek at my other completed novels as well:

Click here to read: Fatal Alliances by Celine Mahadeo

Click here to read: Damned by Celine Mahadeo

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2 years ago

Absolutely magnificent! Me likee😍

2 years ago

When is the next chapter pls

2 years ago

Oh god I’m so happy that there’s another update so soon💓 thanks Author 🥺❣️

2 years ago

This book is getting so damn interesting with every chapter. 🙌
I’m just so excited for the upcoming chapters.
It’s really amazing how creative, imaginative and expressive Celine you are with your writing skills ✨✨ kudos Author……

1 year ago

Omg this is sooooo good! I’ve been waiting for the updates for ages. I kinda want a bit of romance between Yuri and Ana but the story is great – you’re amazing!